
Thursday, February 28, 2019

I Like Thursday: Improvements

Welcome to this week's linkup to Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.

I like the unicorn fabric I found on Saturday.  Whimsical!  I just had to bring it home with me.

I am not fond of my morning burpees.  But I can't argue with the results:  I had my fastest swim time for a mile this week (32:41) - best in at least three years!  So I'll stick with them, thank you very much.

Never underestimate the power of some time with friends.  Enjoyed Game Day a lot.  (My friends seemed happy to see me, but it may have been Sour Cream Coffee Cake and Date Bars I brought.)

We've been watching Killing Eve.  OMG, I love this show.  It's so creepy.  So clever.  We're getting to the end of the first season.  Every episode is a surprise.

I like when science uses modern gadgetry that we usually think of as toys (or don't even think of at all) for researching theories.  In this case, it's using smart phone apps and GPS to mimic a viral infection through populations. 

It was an interesting show.

If all goes well at work, I may actually get the day off tomorrow.  Goodness, an unexpected day to myself?  Catch up on some TV?  I may actually get some sewing done?!?  Wouldn't that be lovely. 


  1. That fabric is fantastic! Good score! Glad Game Day was so fun! Have a great week!

  2. Good Morning! Love that fabric - what a unique design. Congrats on improving your swimming time! How great is that?! I also adore the idea of Game Day - maybe we can do that with some friends only make it a Game Night instead. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. The fabric is beautiful...who is the maker?

  4. Beautiful blue fabric. At first I saw horses but did not see the unicorns. Whimsical, indeed. The recipes look yummy. I make sour cream coffee cake but have never added chocolate chips. Hmmm ... may have to try that. It has been a happy Thursday of blog reading ... :) Pat

  5. What a pretty blue that fabric is. Yummy snacks and Game Day. Sounds like fun. I've not heard of Killing Eve, duly noted now. Thanks

  6. I loved that unicorn fabric, too! Your Game Days always sound like fun - especially with yummy treats like you bring. Hope you get to enjoy a Friday off!

  7. hey girl... hope you got the day off to play!

  8. Hope you got your day off today! It's always nice to have a day to yourself. Game day sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Hope you had a wonderful day off. :-)


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