
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Highs and Lows

I spent the day yesterday with a couple of good friends.  It was a lovely day - everything I had anticipated.  We discussed the ups and downs of life over mugs of tea.  We went for a hike in the woods.  It was pretty.  No leaves on the trees yet, but plenty of green moss.  We searched for a wrecked boat at the top of a hill (and found it too!).  We enjoyed good food and each other's company.  They day flew by; I wish we had more time.  Uplifting!

I came home that evening to discover a dying Wedgwood piggy.  She had been eating and active when I left in the late morning.  She was clearly failing.  I spent the evening sitting with Wedg, making sure she was as warm and comfortable as possible.  When I could no longer stay awake, I concluded she was not going to pass in my arms (I swear some guinea pigs will themselves to stay alive until they are left alone).  Wedg was gently returned to her cage.

I awoke this morning to Schrodinger's paradox - until I looked in the cage.  She was gone.  Sadness.


  1. Ohhhh sadness xx. I am so sorry to hear of Wedgwood's passing. I have enjoyed your stories and pictures of her, they have brightened my days. Sending hugs to you xx.

  2. Oh no Sally... I know she'd been ill but one hopes, and continues to love. I'm so sorry. I read about the paradox and do not understand one word of it, much less the concept... sorry...LeeAnna

  3. Oh no - I am so sorry to hear about Wedgwood. She was loved, that's for sure. Hugs to you, Sally.

  4. So sad to hear this. She was such a sweetie and I enjoyed following her adventures on your blog. Hope Mabel (and you too)will be OK. God bless you

  5. oh, what rotten news to hear of Wedgwood´s passing, so sorry - sad homecoming for you too. Mabel will miss her companion as well.


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