
Monday, June 10, 2019

Boston Spring Pignic 2019

Once again we managed to hold the Spring Pignic on a glorious day.  Lots of lovely green grass and clover.  Happy guinea pigs.  Only one pig banished to the Time Out pen (and for once it wasn't mine!). 

This pignic was a smallish group of 17 sows and 15 boars.  Some great piggy pair names:  Milk and Cookie, Betty and Veronica, Simon and Garfunkle.  There were a few big pigs; a big loafy boar named Paddy beat them all weighing in at 1452g.  The smallest adult pig was Baci (a skinny pig - I wonder how much weight of a guinea pig is fur?) at 809g.  There were a few new faces and lots of familiar regulars.  I also added a few new names to my pignapping list (Max is lucky he's a boar - he's still at the top of my list).  I was busy inspecting pigs and answering question (always a pleasure), so I don't have many photos.  Just a few here.

I spoke to a couple of people about cage design and food.  In case they're looking for the information - I have tagged posts about cage design (you may want to pick and choose which ones to read).  Be sure to read The Fleece Project - it's a great primer for using fleece as bedding.

Tammy and I started the pignic in 2003.  She moved away several years ago, but was in town Sunday and dropped in.  Very exciting! 

As usual, we had a terrific Pig Patrol (official and plainclothes).  A big thank you to all the volunteers that make this possible.

Speaking of volunteers and possibilities - Nevins Farm has a TON of guinea pigs that have been surrendered recently.  If you're thinking about getting a guinea pig, Nevins is the place!  If I heard correctly, they currently have 60 guinea pigs in residence.   Can you imagine the wheeking!!  That's nearly twice the number of guinea pigs that attended this pignic!

We enjoyed hosting all of you that came.  Have your guinea pigs worked off their grass coma? 


  1. Max and Sebastian had so much fun!!

  2. Oh, how I wish I could host another guinea pig in our home, but my husband and I have agreed no more pets for now. I so enjoy living vicariously through you. I hope you can continue to hold the pignic for years to come!

  3. This always sounds like such a blast :) Did Mabel have a good time? Was this her first Pignic?


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