
Thursday, June 27, 2019

I Like Thursday: Cake and Dogwoods

I missed Saturday's game day due to guinea pig drama (Mabel's been stable the last few days).  Bummer.  I had made this lovely Chocolate Eclair Cake with a gluten free crust to share with the group.  Instead, we've had to eat the whole thing ourselves (I did share some with one friend).  As you can see, I do heavy on the chocolate compared to the original recipe.  Very good.  It fits right in with our stress-eating diet. 

As much as I don't like the stress, the upheaval, the uncertainty, the cost, the timing... oh, so much stuff... I need to stop.  Just for a moment.  And realize:  it's temporary.  I have the means, the resources, the friends, a place to live.  Oh, goodness, it makes me emotional.  I may need another slice of cake.

I love dogwoods.  And they are blooming like crazy right now.  There's a wonderful one in front of the library I haven't had a chance to photograph.  But these two were in the front yard where we picked up moving boxes.  Worth the trip just to see this woman's yard (it was gorgeous!).  And we got boxes and packing paper to boot.  Yay!  (Another thing checked off on my lengthy to-do list.)

Signing tomorrow.  Whoa.  Haven't been through that in two decades.  Moving date has been moved up.  There's no turning back.  Western MA, here we come!

Short week.  I'm sure I'll have more likes once the dust settles.  In the meantime there's more good stuff over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Cake looks lovely and yummy--good luck on upcoming move!! hugs, Julierose

  2. Keeping you and Mabel in our prayers! Hugs and good luck with the move!

  3. buying a home and moving is so emotional. We are here a year this week and still eating a stress diet! Haven't unpacked all the boxes either! I hope Mabel gets back to herself. Do you think it's because of the loss of her pal? She could be grieving, causing her body to react. Poor baby. I wonder do pigs have playdates? Could she meet up with one of the other pigs that go to the big pignick?

  4. Buying a home and moving are definitely stressful life events - it doesn't hurt to treat yourself kindly! That eclair cake looks yummy! Glad Mabel is doing better.

  5. Gosh, does that little snack look GOOD!
    Glad Mabel has been stable - hope she continues to improve. And I hope you can focus on the temporary aspect of your current state of upheaval, but just to be on the safe side, try not to ever run out of cake ;)


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