
Thursday, July 18, 2019

I Like Thursday: We Have Arrived

I'm writing this on Wednesday night, but it won't post until some time Thursday because I found the camera after it got dark.

Views from the sunroom and kitchen
Living room - Mabel is tucked in the lower right corner


I liked our movers - they were pleasant and worked quickly.  They arrived at 8:30 and were done at the new place by 2:30; that included a 2 hour drive!

I liked we managed to clean out the old place before we left.  I had expected to return on Friday to finish the rest, but we wrapped it up soon after the movers left.  It felt so good to have that done.

This really is a kitchen.  Promise.
I love the fact my sister arrived on Tuesday evening with pizza (and ice cream, that's still in the freezer only because we'd bought two pints ourselves).  We were so in need of food, but were not looking forward to going out.  Then she stayed and helped unpack.  What a godsend.

I am so happy that we can drink the water right from the tap (and it's good, cold water).

I like that there's no trucks driving by at night (although we've traded for a dog that barks occasionally).

Office/Sewing Room

I like my new office/sewing room, complete with a closet.  I can't wait to start working on stuff again.

I didn't realize moving was such a workout.  I logged nearly 11 miles on Tuesday and another 7 miles on Wednesday.  

We're fighting with the kitchen and the bathroom (there are too many shallow drawers and narrow cabinets).  It's taking much longer than in the past to get stuff put away.  Most of the food is still in boxes.  We haven't even attempted to unpack the TV.  We usually have had the media all set up in 24 hours, so we're a little frustrated with that.

So ups and downs.  We've been under a time crunch with this.  I look forward to us settling in.
I like that we're having a party today - two Comcast guys and a handful of radon mitigation installers (that's all their vehicles in the first picture).  And they all needed access to my office.  Rob laughed at me for making eyes at the Jamaican as he got the internet back online.

I will really like when the dust settles.  

I swear, I'll stop writing about the move soon.  In the meantime, be sure to check out the more interesting likes over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. So glad you made it! Good luck unpacking!

  2. You can write about your move as much as you want/need to! We're all wishing you well! Looks like your new home is full of nice spaces - figuring out how to use them best is the challenge, right?! Glad to know the movers and other service people have been good.

  3. All the best with settling in!!!

  4. So glad you are in place and can relax about "moving" it's all "settling in" and you can take your time. I hope. I'm curious how you know how many miles you walked? A nurse said I should track my mileage in a normal day, but it's all stop and start between barns and paddocks and gardens and house...I don't think a pedometer would be very accurate.
    I think you have hopped right over me - if it was a 2-hour drive, I bet we are as close neighbors as before, only in the opposite direction. Should say I have only a vague idea - not stalking you ;)

  5. Keep writing about the move and adjustment. You know I'm interested having done it recently myself. Your home looks sunny and happy, may it always be so. Making eyes at the techie... lol... well anyone who hooks you up to the world deserves flirting!

  6. I love hearing your moving stories. When we moved three years ago, I lost weight and felt fitter for the experience. It really is a workout! There's so much physicality to it that you just have to do yourself. Anyway, the new digs look wonderful esp. that spacious sewingroom/office. Love the windows and little Mabel all safe in her little spot.

  7. Moving is such a job! However, once you're all moved in, you'll know it was all worth it! Congrats on your new home!

  8. We all love hearing you talking about your move, keep sending us more comments. A couple of things, you may have gained barking dog occasionally but he/she may also alert you to something going on outside that you may not have known about otherwise. Also on the tap water, don't forget to have it tested just-in-case you need a filter for it, especially if it's well water. I love your new place. Happy quilting. I hope the pigs settle in okay.

  9. I've never heard of a move that goes perfectly - I can relate to the ups and downs having done it myself in the last couple of years. One day at a time and you will get there!!! And don't worry about sharing it with us - I think blogging is at its best when we are talking about the ordinary events in our lives. Hope Mabel is adjusting!

  10. Wow, your move sounds as if it went without a hitch. Love those fabulous big windows in the sunroom. I can just imagine all the light that streams in. Your sewing room looks great....nice and big.


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