
Thursday, August 1, 2019

I Like Thursday: Starting to Settle

One of my biggest likes this week is that I actually have some nice photos.  You know, something other than piles of boxes. 

I like the curio cabinet that came with the house.  Amid the chaos around the house, it makes me so happy to see my treasures all on display.

The side panels are clear so I can admire the tea cups as I walk by.

I am grateful to have my license renewed before it expired.  I didn't have all the documentation for a RealID (my renewed passport has not returned yet).  But we were able to walk in and walk out of AAA in 20 minutes, no waiting, for both of our licenses.  How totally awesome is that??

I really enjoyed this Contra Dance Kaleidoscope video.  I've never seen a contra dance shot directly overhead.  Kaleidoscope is a good word to describe how it looks.

I liked the big sky in Rehoboth.  Well, I'm loving the big sky just south of us.  I snapped these photos on the way back from my sister's house.  (Oh, and that she's only 20 minutes away?  Priceless!)  This was looking north east...

and this was south west:

This section is flat, but driving around is a lot of up and down.  Which for some reason took me by surprise.  Which is pretty silly, given that you can see the hills.  Duh.

Game Day!  It was just cool enough for a walk in the woods.  The cattails brought back memories of the park near my childhood home.  There was a massive clump of cattails near the edge of the pond.  I remember all the red wing blackbirds in them.

Speaking of birds, there are so many new bird songs I hear from my office window.  I think I've memorized my limit this year, but I know I have plenty more to learn next year.

I liked this tiny frog.  Can you see him?  He was slightly larger than my thumbnail.  We came across several of them during our walk.

Most evenings our lawn is visited by a ton of dragonflies.  If you look carefully, you can see them dancing around.  A local contra dancer calls it the Festival of Dragonflies.  It is really neat to watch in person.

Every box that should be open has been opened.  I shall actually start working on my sister's quilt again this weekend.  There's still more chaos than I'd like right now, but it hasn't been one thing after another this week.  Wonderful!

Thanks for stopping by.  There's more good things happening over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Yeh for getting moved in and mostly==yeh that you can sew again!!! I love your curio cabinet! Love your dragonfly video! Have a great week!

  2. Hi Sally! It is always satisfying to have spots of no chaos after a move. Like your curio cabinet - all decked out and ready to be enjoyed. I have those exact chairs in my dinette. New birds to hear and enjoy, new paths to explore and closer to your sister! It's sounds like a wonderful thing all the way around. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Sally the cabinet is just gorgeous. I want one like it!!! Just my style, and in great shape. What luck! The dragonflies are a sign of healthy biosystem, I've only seen two here this year. Great way to get your licenses... no 4 hour trip to DMV. Happy week settling in! LeeAnna

  4. The cabinet is beautiful - how wonderful that it came with the house! Sounds like things are going smoothly with getting settled in if you're ready to sew again. Birdsong, dragonflies, little frogs and beautiful views - priceless!

  5. Congrats on getting settled--phew that is a long job...
    I love your Curio Cabinet--just lovely ...hugs, Julierose

  6. It sounds like you're settling in very nicely! The curio cabinet is so pretty. So nice to have it left behind. I got the Real ID this year. It took me awhile to get all the documents ready but it was fine. I went to AAA too! So much nicer! I hope Mabel is feeling better.

  7. It’s really coming together now! How fortuitous to inherit that lovely piece to hold your special China. It’s wonderful to be so close to family and your drives look very much like ours around here. Country and farming. How is Mabel’s wee little leg,foot?

  8. Looks so lovely and peaceful there and the curio cabinet is a beautiful welcome gift from the previous owner. How nice that you are settling in and able to enjoy your new home. The dragonflies do look like they are dancing. The dance video makes my head spin. As I am not a dancer, I wonder how everyone remembers all the moves. Thank you for sharing your week with me, Sally ... :) Pat

  9. I too, love the curio cabinet. How fabulous the previous owner left it behind for you. Those dragon flies are amazing.

  10. Glad you're settling in. How nice to be close to your sister!

  11. So glad you have opened all the boxes you need to, and that you are starting to feel more settled. Loved the video of the contra dance - a human kaleidoscope! Joining you from I Like Thursday. Have a great weekend!

  12. Wait, what? We can renew our licenses at AAA now?
    Glad you're feeling a bit more settled :)


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