
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Suns on my Sunroom Floor

Look! Look! What can this be??  Why it's my sister's quilt laid out on my sunroom floor. 

Which means I'm working on it again.  I froze briefly when needed more corners - I couldn't remember how I pinned the pattern to cut the piece.  Even cutting a few more border pieces caused consternation as I recalled how to measure it.  How could I get that out of practice in just a few weeks?  Setting up the ironing board caused another moment of recalling what I needed and where they were.

The NYBs are three different sizes.  Several of them were grouped together, which requires no further modification.  But there's a handful that are assembled with larger pieces.  Those require another arc added so the outer edge of the circle is smooth.

I'm looking at this photograph and seeing a few things that could be moved around color-wise.  The goal is to have the adjustments and a flimsy complete by the end of the week.  Oh, that would be lovely!

Sharing with:
My Quilt Infatuation - Needle and Thread Thursday
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?


  1. Sally, that's looking amazing! So glad to see it out again!

  2. Oh my, your sister's quilt is looking fabulous!! Not long to go now till your flimsy is finished. Gosh, you are clever, Sally.

  3. That is going to be SEW stunning!!! Best of luck getting it all together.

  4. Oh, this is going to be gorgeous! NYB is on my bucket list to make. I just need to get my nerve up and get over my dislike for paper piecing. I just love your colors.

  5. Wow! What a striking quilt! I love your design as well as the color choice. I also have the New York Beauty on my bucket list and even have the book. Just need to get myself motivated.

  6. Your sister's quilt is beautiful! I love paper piecing. It's so accurate!

  7. Absolutely amazing! I have been working on curve piecing but not to your level. I would love to do a New York Beauty. Love how they run out into the borders.

  8. Gorgeous!! I have seven blocks. Must make more. So inspiring.


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