
Thursday, September 26, 2019

I Like Thursday: Greens, Reds and a Bit of Blue

I loved the green from last week.  This week there's a lot more gold in those trees.  Even some reds behind our house.

In the green of last weekend I found little red mushrooms.  Aren't they so bright?

Did you read about the porcupine we met last week?  How crazy is that?

I like our last batch of tomato sauce.  Hard to believe this was originally 19 pounds of tomatoes.  Two didn't seal (bummer), but they'll freeze.

The other great thing about canning tomatoes - is trimmings!  Mabel doesn't realize they're the stemmy bits.  They're all fresh tomatoes to her!

The Attack Guinea Pig sign continues to get lots of attention (but unfortunately, it really needs to be replaced and I can't find one quite like it).  The mail lady commented about the sign as she delivered a package.  I invited her in to meet the attack guinea pig.  Really?  she asked.  I gave her some corn husk to feed to Mabel.  Mabel was nice enough to purr thank you.  The woman was delighted; said we made her day.  What fun!

The quilt is basted!  How exciting.  Finally off the sun room floor.  Now I need to figure out how I'm quilting it.  I printed out this pattern on a bunch of paper and have been doodling the last few evenings.

I've been reading The Queen's Thief series.  They may be YA books, but I'm finding the third book is a real page turner.  I went to the library last night to pick up the fourth.  I took a detour to walk by the police box down the street.  As a Dr. Who fan, I'm highly amused by a TARDIS just outside of the town center.

That's my likes for this week.  Check out Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday for more good stuff.


  1. It's still green here too! Love your red mushrooms, they are so unique looking! Waving at Mabel and envying your canned tomatoes!!! Have a great week!

  2. Love Mabel getting to enjoy the tomato remains! My old puppy loved things like that, and when she'd eat them all the other dogs would because they didn't want to miss out on a "treat" but now that she's passed, the other dogs have decided they never really liked veggies and have declined all subsequent offerings. Have a great week!

  3. I've never heard of red mushrooms before! How cute are they-as well as Mabel.

  4. You have a Tardis close by; I'm just a tad envious! I'd love to meet Mabel, she's darling! What a fun post to read.

  5. Hi Sally! Mabel looks so cute enjoying her fresh tomato. All of your canning looks delicious. I can't wait to see how you decide to quilt your sister's quilt top. Doodling is a fabulous idea to try out ideas - I like doing that before I start anything, too. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Mabel enjoying her tomato was worth the stop by. Leaves are changing. Amazing how so many tomatoes make so little of anything. Oh you have a Tardis how fun.

  7. I love leaf-changing season! Your red mushroom looks pretty unique - are those kind edible? Basting is my least favorite quilting step - so glad to hear you're past that stage and ready to play with the quilting!

  8. Yes, the leaves are lightening in colour here too. Rather few mushrooms this fall though. How cute for the post lady to meet Mabel. I'm envious. Here all the delivery people know we have a guard dog so their experience is very different.We usually put the dogs out the back as soon as we hear a car in the drive way so their paths never cross.

  9. I saw a quilted artwork - not sure if that's the right term, but it was about 2x3 feet and displayed under glass, framed and matted like a drawing - in a medical building the other day. It was a patchwork with small square patches of different fabrics but all the same size, and I found myself stopping to study the lines of the quilting, which were sort of like a jigsaw. Thought of you, Sally!

  10. The trees are starting to change color near me. I've never seen red mushrooms! I think it's fun to make up a design to quilt. Sometimes I wing it but other times I plan ahead!

  11. Love those red mushrooms -- they look like a fairy tale.

  12. That's a cool photo of the trees. Last week, a friend let me help her process tomatoes into canned salsa. That was so much fun. I've only canned once on my own and that was enough, but I like experiencing the process without the responsibility of ensuring it's done correctly. :-)

  13. How about letting us help you look for a new Attack Guinea Pig sign? You never know what we might find.

  14. Yay, a post with Mabel! Such a cutie. Love the little mushrooms, and I just showed your Tardis to my hubby, who is also a fan. He thinks it's a hoot!


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