
Thursday, September 5, 2019

I Like Thursday: Shopping Trips and Errands

It's been a busy weeks, picking up a lot of things.

Saturday included a trip to the Greenfield farmer's market.  I got to use my guinea pig and bunny picnic bag.  Isn't it cute?  Mabel thinks it's even cuter filled with carrots.  (Although Kiki and Mason ate the majority of the carrot tops.)

I was very excited to bring home a 25lb box of tomatoes to make sauce.  The house smelled delicious on Tuesday as we cooked them down.

I have one nice watch that I haven't worn in years because the battery died.  I dumped it in my purse so if I walked by a jewelery shop I could get it fixed.  Walking back to the car, we passed one.  Upon entering we were greeted by Sam.  He's only 7 months old.  look at the size of his paws!  Sam was huge!  He was also wonderfully mellow.  The watch battery was replaced in no time, while we were both distracted visiting with Sam.  What a fun visit!

We have twin fawns in the area.  Rob caught one of them eating our plants last week.

I like that our new bed finally arrived - a week late.  Seems to be a trend.  But it is so nice to be sleeping in a bed that doesn't sag in the middle.  My back is starting to thank me.

Speaking of new things - I love my new doctor.  I've been dealing with some health issues since before the move, and have been butting heads with doctors that didn't want to treat me because I had no future appointments and new doctors that wouldn't see me for two months.  <sigh>  But my new doctor was all over it.  Less than a week later and I'm already feeling better.

And speaking of health... the vet says Mabel's foot infection is gone.  She's off the antibiotics.  Yay!!  Her weight is going up and down, which isn't great.  However, she's perky and active.  Wonderful.  I moved the ramp to the back of the cage and she is up and down to the floor several times a day, mooching towards the kitchen.  She hasn't been this active since before the move.  Makes me so happy.

I'm dancing a lot more - two to three times a week.  So my dancing outfits that rotated every month or two are now repeating every two weeks.  I need more dancing clothes!  I think this is a vice I can live with.  A trip to the thrift shop scored a few twirly-skirts, a tank top and a new purse (since my current one was in the wash).  Excellent!  (And all for under $30 - even better.)

My mother and I went to the Three County Fair.  Both my quilts got ribbons - an honorable mention for Shiplapped and second place for Tidal Pool.  Not bad at all for submitting what I had on hand.  I got a comment of "nice points" on Tidal Pool, but I cannot decipher the handwriting for Shiplapped.

Starting today I have a few days off.  Huzzah!  Time off with friends, hopefully kayaking with my sister, catch up on some reading and writing a few blog posts (including my new design wall). 

That's it for me!  But there's more - check out Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday for more good things in life. 


  1. Great that you got ribbons--nice work hugs, Julierose

  2. Congrats on the ribbons for your lovely quilts. Those dancing outfits look so cute. Enjoy!

  3. Sounds like you are settling right into your new home and surroundings! I wish I could give Mabel my carrot tops - that is one thing I can grow. :) Glad you've found a new doctor who is helping you and that Mabel is doing well, too. Congratulations on the ribbons on your quilts - I enjoyed following as you made them both!

  4. So glad to hear about Mabel - well done, Doctor Sally! And big congrats on your ribbons! Maybe if you post a picture of the mystery comment, your readers will be able to help decipher it? :)

    1. I added a link to the comment. (I also posted it on Facebook hoping someone can figure it out.)

  5. so many good things this week! Mabel being well, yea! Sam is just snuggly cute. Often the larger breeds are the mellowist. Lots of dance, homemade tomato sauce... very cozy.

  6. Great things this week. Congratulations on the ribbons. Glad Mabel is feeling perkier.

  7. Congratulations on the ribbons, Sally! So glad to hear Mabel is so much better. Very cute dancing outfits!

  8. Have a wonderful weekend! We are so glad Mabel is recovering and that you are feeling better too! Congrats on the ribbons! You deserved them!! Cheers!

  9. Hi Sally! Boy, that handwriting is hard to read. I love the pup that you ran into on your visit - Sam looks nice and mellow. Which is a good thing at that size! Congrats on the ribbons! That's wonderful that Mabel's infection is all gone, and that she's getting used to the new surroundings. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Congrats on your ribbons...tried hard but could not figure out that note and as an old teacher I thought I was pretty good at deciphering handwriting. LOL
    Also great score at the thrift store and I'm ever so happy Mabel is infection-free.


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