
Monday, November 4, 2019

Six and Seven of Thirteen

I've rounded the halfway point for quilting the circles.  I still will have sun-rays and the border to do, but the quilt is held together with more quilting than basting.  Huzzah!

Most of the remaining circles are full round, rather than 3/4 circles. Lots of designing and stitching in those.  I'm trying not to repeat too many patterns, so it's tough to figure out what I want to put on these.  Decisions, decisions.

It's hard to not quilt too much.  Some circles have unquilted sections - others have everything stitched down.  I'm trying to keep it even.  I figure if I can go back and add more quilting of it looks too empty.

I'm loving how the back looks all quilted.  I need to find a good place to hang this thing when it's done to show the quilting.  I miss my back deck railing!


  1. I'm so impressed with your quilting, Sally! It's looking so amazing! You'll have to find a really neat spot for quilty beauty shots when you're all done.

  2. If you have a decent sized backyard, try a long wooden bench with a back as you're new picture spot.

  3. Your quilting is looking fantastic, Sally. With all those lovely spots around where you live, you will find the perfect photo shoot location.


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