
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Winter Wonderland

It rained most of the day Monday and all our snow is soggy.  But on Sunday morning?  The trees look liked they'd been sugared in the morning sunlight.  So very pretty!

Rob was nice enough to brave the 5℉ temperature to snap these.

We had an inch or two of powder on top of the base that had been dumped last week.

The snow on the ground looked like powdered sugar.

Just look at those trees!  It was so beautiful in the morning sunlight.


  1. You have a true winter wonderland. We've had more rain and mild temps...snow all gone and none in the forecast. So weird!

  2. Your wintry wonderland clothed in white is magical. Such lovely photos!

  3. So pretty with the sun sparkling on the snow! Thanks for sharing!


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