
Friday, February 14, 2020

Turtle Progress

I've been working on the applique turtles.  I don't have fusible web, as the instructions suggested.  But I do have 606 spray.  I printed the patterns to freezer paper, ironed to the pieces, cut them out, the flipped them wrong side up and pinned them to my spraying box.  The photo here is just before I hit them with the 606 fusible spray.  The pieces are each pinned down so they don't all scatter when sprayed.

The medium and large turtles were easier to work with than the little one.  Only one piece of freezer paper threatened to not peel off. 

I had liked large turtle's fabric the least when I was cutting it, but I liked how the big turtle turned out as much as the little one.  Funny, too, that I had liked medium turtle's fabric the most, and he's probably my least favorite of the three.  Go figure!  They all look pretty cool.

I've cut the background to size, trimmed the rough edges on the turtles and positioned them on the background along with their flippers.

This is the layout.  Haven't ironed them in place yet.  It took me 30 minutes of futzing around to get them like this - so they need to sit with it for a while.  I'll see how it feels in a day or so.

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My Quilting Infatuation - Needle & Thread Thursday
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I get a Whoop Whoop?
Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making


  1. Hi Sally, those turtles are really great. That's going to make a very nice quilt!

  2. I LOVE your turtles! The water fabric is perfect!!! It's lovely!

  3. A delightful family of turtles, swimming along in that bright blue sea!


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