
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Braids and Scraps

With the Switch carrier completed, I'm back to my projects.  Mine.  Not for people or purpose - simply because I wanted to create.  It's funny - I get most inspired by leftovers.

First up is a braided quilt.  This was designed around yards of border fabric my mother gave me ages ago.  They needed to get used or given away.  They look like screen print on cream fabric, two strips between four to six inches wide, each three to four yards long. 

I had intended to stack and whack them, but disliked all my designs.  Then I found a braided quilt design I liked, and went with that.  The screen print was red, blue and gold, so I selected the rest of my fabric based on that.  I decided to make this a twin-sized quilt, with a border around the edge.

Turns out I don't have a lot of blue in my stash (when did that happen?).  One of the blues I really wanted to use was 4¼" wide.  I discovered this after I had cut a bunch of the cream and red strips.  I ended up trimming them all down.  That left me with a pile of ¼" strips.  It seemed so wasteful - so on a lark I wove them together.  Nuts, eh?  But I will end up with an 8 or 9 inch square block of raw-edged woven fabric.  I'll need to snip off as many threads as I can, quilt the heck out of it, and it may make a nice mug-rug.  At this point I'm working on it out of sheer curiosity.

I need to get my mini HST quilt off the design wall, so I've been assembling that, too.  This is half of it sewn together (minus a couple of rows).  I understand the math and yet I am still amazed at the shrinkage.  Finished one-inch blocks are tiny!  This could be a wall hanging or a table topper.  I could make it into a throw pillow, I guess, since it should finish 16-inches square.  I'll have to decide as it gets closer to completion.

After these, I have promised a few more masks.  Then my perennial cleanup projects (string and crumb quilts).  There's a baby quilt that I need to start thinking about.  There's always something next!

Sharing with:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?
Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making


  1. so creative! I like it all. The mug rug reminds me of the potholders out of stretchy cord I wove as a child... good memories. I love the look and think it's a really wonderful idea! I may make one too!! I like the idea of leaving it fray-ey. Thanks for more great ideas Sally!

  2. Funny! I recently found a braided quilt that I wanted to do and have a stack of HSTs that I've been playing around with. Have fun with these "just because you want to" projects!! You are right. There is ALWAYS another project waiting in the wings!

  3. I admire your approach to scraps!
    I realized the other day that I seem to believe I can't start any new projects until I clean my house. So far, that means no new projects. I'm now trying to change my thinking about it. I mean, who makes these rules, anyway? ;)

  4. I loved the idea of weaving the strips. Great solution. And it gave me ideas too, thank you.


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