
Thursday, April 16, 2020

I Like Thursday: Candy, Carry Case

Wait... what?  It's Thursday?  How did that happen?  At about 10pm on Wednesday night I suddenly realized I hadn't written a post.  For some reason I thought I had one more day.

I made Easter candy.  It was a solo effort this year - so strange.  I sent a box home to my parents.  I know my mother was thrilled.

I managed to get my mother and sister up on a video conference.  I haven't seen my mother at all since before my surgery.  Not the same as in person, but it was nice.  We have another scheduled for Saturday.

I stitched more masks and sent them out.  Yay.

And with the mask obligations complete, I finally, FINALLY started my nephew's carry case.  This thing gets more and more complicated the more I pull apart the model it's based on.  I am not cannibalizing as much as I had intended, but I'm unwilling to simplify my design.  I'm glad I have extra fabric - I may need it if I botch this.  I have the basic pattern worked out, but a lot of this I'm designing as I go along.

I finished the last of my hard print novels from the library and am moving on to ebooks.  Not sure if that's a like or not.  We'll have to see.  But I was amazed (but not entirely surprised) at some of the wait times on Libby books.  Six months??  I hope to be back to regular books by then!

And that's it.  Quick!  I need to post this before I start work today.  There's more likes over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Enjoy!


  1. Your candy looks so yummy! I bet you missed all your friends and family that usually get together for candy-making day. The video calling with friends and family is fun and unique for now - I'm sure glad we have the technology to do it!

  2. Wow- all that candy looks wonderful. Nicely done. I’m learning to use FaceTime to talk to family and it is fun.

  3. Hi Sally! I have found my wait time for eBooks isn't nearly as long as they estimate. Your odds are much better on books they have multiple copies of. Just like you don't take 3 weeks to finish a book, others don't either but the estimate is based on them taking the full checkout time. I'm so glad you are able to see your mom via Zoom anyway! I'm sure she's thrilled as well. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Sometimes my wait time on an audiobook starts out quite long, but much depends on how quickly earlier borrowers "return their copy." I rarely keep a borrowed audiobook for the full time allowed, and I think other people often do the same.

  5. The candy looks delicious! I'm trying (and mostly failing) not to bake too much, living alone its very hard to blame the consumption of resulting sweets on anyone else!

  6. Easter candy is a fabulous like! I bet they were all happy to get them. Kudos for making masks. So far, no call has gone out for any around here. Good for you trying to sort out that carry case, looks complicated.

  7. Your candies look yummy. Great job making msks.

  8. We went easy on the sweets this year, too much working from home is affecting the waistline. Your sweets look yummy.

  9. Your Easter Candy looks so good! I have one more mask to make. On the Libby app, check the Skip the Line in the Explore page. I get so many of my books without having to wait. However, not all libraries use this feature. Boston Public Library does. You can add them to your libraries with any Massachusetts library card.


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