
Thursday, April 9, 2020

I Like Thursday: Loafing, Fabric, Shots

This may be a quick post.  Not because it's been a slow week, but because it's been a busy one.

I still have videos I need to edit and post.  But at least you can enjoy Bugsy and The Punk loafing.  They loved the third level in the cage.

Good news and bad news with the guinea pigs.  They've been adopted!  But not by us.  Rob says my photos, video and write-up on the Dakin site was why they were adopted so quickly.  I only had them for two weeks.  So there will be a couple of posts (catching up).

We both really enjoyed having them here.  I'm looking forward to my next fostering experience (hopefully in the not too distance future and I get to keep them a little longer).

My fabric arrived!  Aren't they pretty?  Added bonus - the Kona Bone was at the end of the bolt, so I got 2/3 of a yard extra for free.  Not bad.  Blue or gold fabric would have been even better, but I'll take what I got!

We went to the doctor's on Monday to get blood drawn (my thyroid levels are normal!) and vaccinations for both of us.  They took my temperature before allowing me past the front door.  But when I told them what we were there for, they said Rob didn't even have to come in the building!  A nurse came out and gave the shot.  In fact, I never went past the lab - I went back to the car and the nurse came out to give me my shot, too, in the fresh air and bright sunshine.  Think they could continue this service after covid-19?

And masks everywhere.  I felt silly the first time I put one on and walked into the store.  But now getting used to it, and am glad to be wearing one on the rare occasion we go out.  I sent my first batch out to family and friends (even got a photo thank-you!).  Making another set for more family and friends (while supplies last).

It's been a good week for humorous stuff on the web.  A Dalek in the UK telling people to self isolateFox in Socks - Dr. Seuss mashup with Dr DreNice things around the world.  Oh!  And Family Lockdown Boogie!  And last but not least - I stumbled across This is Ponderous in my feed this week.  It's an old favorite of mine.  Can you see what I'm saying?

Difficult to pick a favorite.

Okay - so I had more to post than I thought I would.  I hope you're staying healthy.  Hang in there, and enjoy the other posts at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Glad your trip to the doctor went so well! That's great news that both pigs got adopted! Stay safe!

  2. Hi Sally! Aww, I'm sorry to not be hearing more about Bugsy and The Punk antics. Your new fabrics look pretty and yippee for getting the end of the bolt for free! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Sounds like an interesting trip to the doc. Hurray for good numbers. Awe the GP got adopted. But how fun to foster them. Lovely fabrics, and some great videos. The Dalek and the Nice things were awesome.

  4. I just loved your list! Sad for the pig exodus but glad they have a forever home now I guess. Gotta go look at your videos!

  5. OMG the boogie!!! My favorite new youtube!!! Don't you want to get to know that crazy family? I do

  6. Well done, helping those two imps find their new home/s! I admire people who foster animals. It takes a lot of compassion and kindness and generosity. I know myself too well to foster cats, dogs, or horses, because they would be here forever. But now that I think about it, I could probably handle fostering goats!

  7. The Dr. Dre rap is great! Made this old lady want to dance, lol! I hope parents are finding those kinds of things for their kids. Glad you had good results from your blood test! Fostering the pigs sounds like a good way to enjoy them, and then pass them along to a family.

  8. I think we'll all have to get used to wearing the masks but we do what we have to for safety! I'm glad these little critters found good homes! Hugs, Diane

  9. I wear my mask a lot and I'm finally getting used to it. I would rather not go into a doctor's office right now. So nice you both could avoid it. So nice you can foster the pigs while they wait for their new family! Happy Easter!


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