
Thursday, April 30, 2020

I Like Thursday: Some Sewing and Outdoor Friends

Are we done with this isolation thing yet??  No?  <sigh>

Still - there are little bright spots here and there.  I'm sewing!  Mug rugs, mostly.  The woven one is my favorite.  I had so much fun making it.

I offered the larger HST quilt to my mother.  She's thrilled.  I'll be making that into a throw pillow.  I need to think about what to put on the back and how I want to quilt it.

I've started sewing the braid quilt.  I suspect it's a little shorter than I want.  But I haven't sewn much - it's easy to modify at this point.

Most of my mask recipients have sent photographs of them in their new masks, which I have enjoyed.  But look!  One of them sent me a drawing for a thank you.  How cool is that? (You're very welcome.)

The weather was beautiful on Sunday.  We got out for a walk, which turned out to be a little adventure.  A neighbor down the street lets her horses out while she does yard work.  She told us the white one is naughty when he's had enough... and wanders off.  As we approached the yard, he gamboled a bit, then stepped into the road just ahead of us intending to join our walk.

Rob grabbed his lead rope and led him back to his companion.  But as soon as Rob turned around, the white horse followed him back to the road.  Bad horse!  We had no choice but to inform his owner.

Just after that we ran into dancing friends of ours.  We haven't seen them in nearly two months.  It's silly, but I was excited to see them (even if no closer than the other side of the street).  Someone different than the few neighbors we wave to as we walk our route.  

After we got home, I grabbed a mug of tea, a chair and my journal, then spent some time on the back deck writing in the warmth and sunlight.  Wonderful!

Many trees in the area are gradually turning green.  The ones in our yard are only thinking about budding.  But soon. 

Rain for the next day or two, but maybe some more sun for the weekend.

I'm sure we all can use some lighthearted likes - be sure to check out Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. If I were your mom, I'd be thrilled to be offered your amazing HST creation, too! That's pretty funny that the horse decided to go on the walk with you - at least he had a "leash" on. :) I think the warmer weather coming, and sun out, makes all the difference in my attitude, too.

  2. Oh I love all three of your quilted projects. Sweet!
    How nice to get in some outdoor veranda time. We came close on Tuesday but we were busy working in the yard. Now we have heavy rain. But soon I'm sure. Our trees have budded; spring is moving forward and never so happy to see it.

  3. Hi Sally! Oh, that white horse just made me smile. It sounds like you two have a new buddy who is curious and wants to go for a stroll. HAHA! I love horses, especially how they listen to what you're saying. Just as you were thrilled to see your dancing friend, horses are social and like to see new people and interact. Next time you'll have to bring a carrot or apple with you - you'll definitely have TWO new horse friends for life. {{Hugs}} I enjoyed your walk with you . . . from afar. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Lovely drawing!
    Aw, the horse story melts the heart.

  5. I've enjoyed getting photos from some of the people I've given masks to as well. Sure makes you glad you could help! Take care and enjoy the outdoors!

  6. great thank you note!!! Looks like Archie comics! Good horse! He wanted to nice to see friends from dance. You could pretend to hands four, allemand...

  7. Great small quilts. How nice to go for a walk with an equine tag a long. Awesome thank you note.

  8. I love the thank you note! Such a fun drawing! I loved seeing the pictures of the horses. What great quilting projects you've been working on! I'm looking to some warm weather after the rain. I'm still looking for Spring!

  9. That thank you drawing is awesome! The horses had a mind of their own, didn't they? I love your small quilts, they are fabulous!

  10. A horse that thinks it's a dog? How entertaining! (For us, not the owner …) Spring is slowly arriving here and I am so happy to sit in the sun and watch the birds.


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