
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Leftover HST Squares

Carry case fabric actually arrived on Thursday, but while awaiting washing that project is still on hold.  In the meantime, I have three other sewing projects in the works.  This is one of the three.

I mentioned last week that I have 298 little HST squares made up and ready to work with.  I threw them on the floor to see what they looked like.  Pretty basic.  I discovered a bunch of pieces that were very pale compared to the rest.  I collected them at the bottom.  Just as the white came from Sunshine, I had a large number of squares with blue and brown leftover from the same quilt.

I stared at it a couple of days and googled a bunch of HST designs.  After Rob told me that he really should vacuum the floor but he couldn't because he didn't want to disturb my project, I recalled I had a nice design wall I could use.  (He was sorely disappointed when I moved it.)

This is what went up on the wall.  I counted up the number of light squares.  I pawed through the rest of the colors to pull pale blues and greens to make enough a full diamond.

Now that I had worked in the pale squares I was going to expand to 17x17.  But as I put it up on the wall, I found a bunch of the blue and browns left on the table.  I think the 16x16 has a nice mix of fabrics, so I'll stick with this.

The blue and brown squares were enough to make a small mug rug.  It was a good practice run.  Oh, boy!  Even knowing it would shrink considerably, the 6x6 block now covers only 4x4 area on the wall.  The current layout that measures 24" will be 16" square when it's done.  So many seams and points!

That may stay on the wall for a while to be admired before I tackle the pinning and stitching.

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Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making


  1. we are in the hst club! Good work Sally!

  2. That looks great, Sally! So many seams really shrink the final piece, don't they?

  3. Gosh, all that arranging of hst's! You deserve an award! Looks fabulous, Sally.

  4. you're always a fun read. I don't know if I'd want to tackle all those rows either, good luck. Though somehow we know you'll soldier through.


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