
Thursday, May 14, 2020

I Like Thursday: Research, Adjusting and Creating

Another week has flown by.  A lot of time on research (which is going well - albeit a little overwhelming).

I tried this recipe for Custardy Baked Oatmeal.  I swapped out the walnuts for almonds, and added strawberries to the blueberries (I only had a half cup left).  It was quite delicious (and I forgot to take a photo!).  I froze some of the leftovers - I'll see how they reheat this weekend.

I pulled out several favorite recipes this week I haven't made in a while:  Chicken Stroganoff, Meat Pie, Gumbo Biscuit Bake (hmm.... I may need to post recipes for these).  It's nice to have time to cook.  Whipped up some goodies too:  Date bars (I added some cinnamon and cloves), pretzel bars and even some stuffed figs.  Yum!

We had snow on Saturday.  No accumulation (that white spot in the lawn is a patch of bluetts), but a couple of squalls blew through during the day.  Not what I expected in May.  (That's what I get for buying seeds.  LOL)

A good day for sewing - which is how I spent the afternoon.  I made some more wavy strings.  I wasn't thrilled with them at first, but they're growing on me as they hang on the wall.

I also decided on a string kite pattern.  Warm colors on one side, cool colors on the other, with a stripe of black or white dividing the two.  It creates an effect of wonky squares within squares (with what will be kites in between).  I haven't decided what color to put in the middle.  Either another warm color, or maybe the black or white of the square around them?  I need more blocks to get a feel for this.

This article about covid risk was an interesting read.

Have any of you tried out the new blogger editor?  Hate it.  Couldn't get anything to line up right.  Photos wouldn't import correctly.  Nothing in edit mode looked like the published version.  I had to revert back to the old blogger.  Ugh.  (But thank goodness I could revert back... for now.)

Alright - this post is all over the place, and not many photos.  I should be more pulled together and organized next week.  Meanwhile - there's good stuff over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Enjoy!


  1. Yep I saw flakes on Saturday too. I have yet to plant anything, but I have seeds. Like your string blocks.

  2. Hi Sally! Your string blocks look like they have some movement in them just from cutting them a different way. Very cool. I look forward to seeing more blocks on your design wall. Stay safe! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. We've had snow here in Colorado on Mother's Day in previous years - that really isn't much fun! Especially if you're ready to plant some flowers. Your baking endeavors always sound yummy to me! And I've enjoyed seeing what's on your design wall this week, too - those kite string blocks are really neat!

  4. Those blocks are so cool with those colors. I haven’t heard of the Editor. Hmmm-something new again. I’m baking a little and trying top of stove recipes to not use the oven in this heat. HAHA.

  5. You have some yummy sounding recipes and foods going on at your place! We've had snow, rain, sunshine, a little of everything lately. So far this week it's been in the high 60s and 70s, so I'm good with that. I like those string blocks!

  6. Love your blocks! They are so pretty! We had snow on Saturday too but like you, it didn't stick. Looking forward to some warm weather and I know you are too! Stay well!

  7. Pretty blocks, bright and cheery. We have had snowflakes in the air and hail too but quiet the last two days. Hope we are done with that stuff.
    I loved that recipe and will be trying it. I wonder could I use almond milk because that is what we keep on hand these days.
    I also read the Covid article. Simply put and good reading. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh wow, I didn't realize there was a new blogger editor, I hope they don't force us all to switch. I love the kite blocks, scrappy and colorful but with a plan. And I love your recipe suggestions. I'm desperate for new things to cook at this point, but you reminded me I have a good hamburger stroganoff recipe I haven't made in a long time!

  9. I'm intrigued by Gumbo Biscuit Bake, maybe because I'll be planting okra again this year :) Now I'm going to check the link for that oatmeal!

  10. Snow. Yep. This has been an unusually cool spring. A few days ago, they were forecasting snow showers on Friday, May 22! The forecast has since improved, but I am sure regretting putting annuals in my pots already! I would be interested in those recipes! Hubby made rhubarb crisp yesterday and it is SO good! I have not heard about the new blogger editor and I am not sure I want to know!


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