
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Poetry in Motion

The far end of my street is a two-mile loop.  We often walk up to the crossroads of the loop, but not around it.  I was told last Saturday that there would be a poetry walk on Sunday and Monday - neighbors around the loop would pick their favorite poems and tie them to their mailboxes for people to read.  So on Monday, I made the trek up the hill to walk and read poetry.

I am amused that going for a walk can be such an adventure nowadays.  Much of the neighborhood participated, mailboxes decked out in ribbons and the poems encased in ziploc bags.

I am bummed I didn't photograph of my favorite poem, named Monday at Midnight.  I memorized the title hoping to google it when I got home.  But alas!  I can't find the poem anywhere.  It was about meeting up with a griffin for midnight flights.  It was fun.

There were other nifty things in addition to the poetry.  I met a woman planting all sorts of flowers who designed and created fairy villages.  This was at the end of her driveway.  She had installed some at the Leverett library and elementary school.  I asked if she was the one who designed the tree stump I found last November, just a little ways from her house.  Yes, she had!  She planned to update it soon, as it was trashed at some point over the winter.

I also enjoyed the sound of water babbling.  This stream meanders through parts of the neighborhood.  I saw first annual somewhere along the way - so I'm hoping they'll do this again next year.  It was something different, uplifting and entertaining.  Lots of different kinds of poetry, some well known (The Road Not Taken) and plenty I had never seen before (like one about an owl hunting in the snow). 

One of the last stops not only had poetry, there was a painting and glass container full of feathers.  Underneath was a card that said "Take a feather to feather your nest."  So I did!  Something to remind me of a pleasant afternoon.


  1. What a neat idea! Your neighborhood looks like a beautiful place!

  2. What a wonderful neighborhood you live in! I enjoyed reading this so much! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Oh, what a fabulous neighbourhood you live in, and such fun! How marvellous to walk along and read poetry and delight in all the other surprises as well. So perfect and uplifting for the times we live in.

  4. Thanks for sharing about the poetry walk. I also tried to google the poem, but used yahoo as a base to start searing on instead. I found 2 mentions of it, on 2 different poetry websites and a 3rd mention of it on a fan fiction site with a Harry Potter theme. It was an interesting read.


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