
Thursday, July 2, 2020

I Like Thursday: Flowers

I've been outdoors quite a bit over the last week... walking, gardening, kayaking... at least until the rain started.  Oh!  the rain!  My lawn is so much happier; we've gotten close to an inch so far.

However, before the rain...

I saw these flowers while walking last week.  Love the colors and the shape.

There's one deer that wanders through our yard (although we caught sight of little twin fawns down the street).  He usually wanders through in the morning or evening, but one afternoon this guy nestled down by the treeline and hung out for an hour or so.

Marigolds are supposed to repel rabbits?  Not this guy - I caught him quite happily eating one of them.  Rotten little rabbit!  He's lucky he's so cute!

Went kayaking a couple of times.  The lilies were beautiful.

This flower sprang up in the yard.  I thought the colors were brilliant.  I wanted to get a better shot (the camera decided to focus on the ground, not the flower), but when I went out the next day... it was gone.  Snip, snip!  Someone liked it more than me.

My biggest like is happening today:  a visit with my mother.  We've found a halfway spot to meet up and hoping the weather will cooperate so we can stay outdoors.  Fingers crossed!

That's it for my week.  Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. We got rain last night and again today - such a nice change!

  2. Glad you got rain! Wonderful photos! Loved seeing the flowers! Have a safe and happy holiday!

  3. The deer likes the comfortable vibes of your yard.
    Funny about the rabbit eating the marigold.

  4. Best wishes on meeting up with mom! That has been the most difficult part of this new life. My daughter and I have found ways to work around self isolation very carefully and feel so much better. Love your photos!

  5. flora and fauna... lovely Sally

  6. Hi Sally! Enjoy the meeting with your mother!! How exciting for both of you. Take your time and soak it all in. {{Hugs}} Darn rabbit - maybe the marigold thing is a wife's tale?! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Hope you had a wonderful visit with your mom, Sally! Love your wildlife and flower sightings. I think we saw some of those same flowers way out here in the Rocky Mountains on our hike today!

  8. Great likes. Love the foxglove flowers, they are a pretty color, I always see them in the wild on the west coast. You have fun visitors.

  9. I love seeing the flowers and the wildlife even though bunnies can be destructive! I hope you had a nice time with your mom. We need more rain since our grass looks a bit yellow! We haven't received much rainy weather here. Enjoy the holiday!

  10. Thanks for showing that cute rabbit, foxglove and pretty daisy. Never tire of seeing flowers and critters.I hope your outing went fine and you enjoyed it. Stay hydrated!

  11. Beautiful flowers! I love them as well! The deer and bunny are too cute - so lucky you were able to photograph them! Thank you so much for sharing!


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