
Thursday, August 20, 2020

I Like Thursday: Creatures in the Yard

Didn't get out much in the last week.  Well, not entirely true.  I did get out to see my mother and sister on Saturday.  Perfect weather.  Uncrowded outdoor venues.  I remembered to tie my mask instead of using the ear loops (much more comfortable).  Mom brought me these lovely calla lilies for my birthday (earlier this month).  Have the perfect spot for them (between the kale and rosemary... lol).

And that was the last productive thing that happened.

Nothing like getting sick enough to require a trip to the ER and a 48 hour hospital stay to change the whole week.  I'm feeling much better, now.  I appreciate the care I got.  The ER nurses were kind and funny and informative (it didn't hurt that three of them were cute young guys...).  Not thrilled about getting a covid test, too, but happy it came back negative.  So many new protocols since our last trip to the hospital.  Made it lonely in the ER - Rob wasn't allowed to enter.  Had an interesting discussion with one nurse about covid.  

The staff after I was admitted were awesome, too.  But as nice as they all were, I just about danced for joy when they pulled out the IV and I signed the discharge papers.


I seem to keep tripping over frogs since I found the pickerel frog last week.  First we found this peeper hopping across the road.  I didn't realize peepers are so tiny.  Maybe an inch and a half?  But his leaps were huge!  It's what caught our attention.  He crossed most of the road in six or eight jumps.  

Impressive little guy.


Then there was this toad who has set up house in the lower garden.  It's a fowler's toad.  (I've been doing a lot of research.)  He's been a lot dustier this week... well until yesterday.  It poured rain.  I'm sure he's looking shiny again today.

The rain was lovely.  We sat in the sunroom just watching it come down and listening to the thunder rumble.

I finally have a sunflower that bloomed.  I have a few more with big fat buds... as long as they don't get snipped off, first.

And these are the suspect sunflower nibblers, trying to hide behind the hawthorn.  Well, at least I suspect mama - I think she's been the single deer that's been hanging out here.  The fawn is new visitor.  This is the first time I've seen him.

Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. OMGosh! Glad you are better and home! Hospital stays are not fun! We don’t have many toad or frogs near here. Although I have heard them in the drainage ditch on our evening walks.
    Have a great week!

  2. Oh no, Sally! I'm so sorry to hear about your visit to the ER and hospital stay. I know it must be hard to have to be in there alone - tell Rob I know how it feels to be on the other side of that door! Glad you've been able to enjoy your sunroom and the view. Take care and have a good week!

  3. Wow-that’s scary having to go to a hospital for any reason but glad you don’t have Covid and are getting better. Love the sunflower.

  4. Sure do appreciate the medical folks when we need them like that. Hopefully you are all well now and won't be repeating the performance! Quite the dramatic way to find out you are covid negative, LOL.
    Those lilies are so special and there is nothing sunnier than a sunflower. You know I've never seen a peeper though I've heard many over the spring times here in Ontario. Whenever I ventured near they would disappear. Interesting toad too.
    Thanks for the likes but the best one is you are okay.

  5. I'm so sorry you had to go to the hospital but I'm glad the experience was good. I'm always impressed with the medical staff and I'm sure they are working even harder in these times. Take care and keep feeling better!

  6. amazing you have any likes for the week!!! what spirit! get well soon, good news on that front, but something put you in crisis. Lovely flowers for your birthday month

  7. Wow you have had a busy week, in a bad way. Hope you are feeling much better. Love the sunflower your amphibian friends, and the deer.

  8. Prayers for your Health!
    I'm glad you are home and feeling better.
    The deer photo is funny, catching them hiding like that. lol

  9. I hope you're okay, Sally. Everything has changed in hospitals. I don't see many visitors anymore. It's hard for patients. I'm hoping things get better soon. Love you animal pictures! We kept hearing coyotes last night. Kind of scary!!

  10. A hospital stay? Oh my! I hope you're feeling better! And you still found some likes? Wow! What a trooper! The picture of the deer is lovely...peaceful. Take good care!


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