
Thursday, August 6, 2020

I Like Thursday: Finally, Some Traction

My first and biggest like: a working smartphone.  I can't even tell you how happy I am.  See this photo?  I took this while jumping up and down, texting my my sister just after I got the phone connected.  It sent.  Immediately. 

Why is that exciting? 

Because since we moved, I'd be lucky if a two-word text came or went from home (and only if the phone was next to the front door).  Sometimes it was days between a text being sent and being received (which caused a few confused conversations).  Photos or phone calls?  LOL  Dream on.  Ah... life in a dead zone.

The fix required a new phone <sigh> and new carrier.  Luckily the new phone is very much like the old one.  Added bonus - monthly bill is slashed in half.  The new phone will pay for itself in less than a year.  YES!

The whole thing took way too much time, research, and a trial with yet another carrier that didn't work (but was fully refunded).  Still learning the quirks of the new phone but this is a done deal.  Thank goodness.

Turkeys!  We caught glimpse of a massive gang of them as we went for our walk.  Had to be three families?  The chicks were all different sizes.  We initially spotted them in the yard, but then we also crossed paths on the road. 

I continue to get out kayaking.  I really should email the woman I bought the kayak from and tell her how much I love it.  I have a few more water photos.  This overexposed one is of tiny pink/purple flowers that grow between the lily pads.  They're tiny - maybe a half inch across in full bloom?

These other ones are tiny, too, but with yellow flowers.  Look at the roots!  I call them neuron plants, because that's what I think of every time I paddle by them.

The dress embellishments were finished in time for the July OMG.  Yay!  

The dregs of Isaias swept through on Tuesday.  Not as much rain as I had hoped.  On the other hand, it only blew over one tomato plant.

Top of the hill was hit harder.  Our Wednesday walk was cut short by a downed tree that hadn't quite taken out the power lines.  We anticipated losing power at some point when they fix that.

The Umbrella Academy is back on Netflix.  Yay!  Love this show.

That's it!  I'm joining the rest of the gang over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Happy August!


  1. I know all about those extended multiple-day texting experiences! My old phone used to tell me when a text was sent, so I assumed that was the (quite rational) norm. But my latest phone does not. It's bizarre! And has caused some misunderstandings.

  2. Interesting about texting. Just yesterday I sent a text in response to one. My phone I indicated it was sent. But it never arrived and still hasn't. We were badly hit by Isaias and I wonder if there are texts backed up somewhere which will all arrive in a flurry!

  3. Hi Sally! Love your dress - so glad you got that finished. And a BIG HUGE YAY for a working phone. It's the little things that we really take for granted like a phone. Working INSIDE one's own home. And even while driving in the neighborhood. The carrier and where their towers are located is the key, I've found. I'm also glad you survived the storm. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Hooray on the new phone and better coverage! Sounds like that was very frustrating. Love the wild turkeys! That really was a bunch. Your dress is beautiful!

  5. I saw an ad for umbrella academy and it looks scary... I don't like scary... what's it really like? turkeys and water flowers, dresses and cell phones, and power. Lots of good things here! LeeAnna

  6. That's something to be thankful for! We rely on our phones now for so much!

  7. I am glad that you finally have a cell phone that works. They are quite necessary now. The kayak sounds like fun. Glad that the storm missed you.

  8. When I first moved here my phone wouldn't work half the time. Depending on where I was in the house I would be at different locations which was funny. Ash Township, Flat Rock, Berlin Township, Frenchtown Township, LOL. If I went to nearby Carleton you got no cell service. It is much better now, but I remember the aggravation. Lovely dress, it is a great color and looks wonderful on you. Love your kayaking pics.

  9. So glad your phone works better and it's cheaper! It looks like the Isaias was worse for you. We got some wind but not much rain at all. Kayaking sounds like a lot of fun. So many turkeys! I'm scared of them. They can be mean! You look so pretty in that dress!

  10. Hi Sally in her pretty swirly dress! Yes to getting good phone service too frustrating without it these days. Turkeys are so communal..all the families together which I like. I too love those water plants. And it seems unfair to have to worry about weather on top of everything else.

  11. Your dress is FANTASTIC!!! Well done you! Glad you have a phone that works well! It's so important during this pandemic! I love the water plants, so pretty! Glad you made out okay with the storms. Take care and have a safe and happy week!

  12. Great news about the new phone and carrier. Love the photos of the turkeys and your finished dress is gorgeous, such a lovely colour.


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