
Thursday, August 27, 2020

I Like Thursday: Still in the Garden

We've gone from summer heat to the first inkling that fall is around the corner.  The sun is warm but the breeze is cool, and it was a bit chilly walking yesterday morning.

I started to pick tomatoes.  Yay!  This one looked beautiful from the angle I was looking at it.  After I picked it, it was obvious that someone else thought it was beautiful, too.  I hope they enjoyed it, because I did not! 


I turned the compost the other day and was amused by the number of volunteers growing in there.  I recognized some tomatoes, a squash.  Then there was this very tall shoot with shiny leaves.  PlantNet suggested it was an avocado.  So I dug a little deeper and sure enough, there was a big fat pit.  I pulled it out, transplanted it and we'll see how it does. 


I got a report card from the Macuso quilt show!  I hardly expected that from a virtual show.  The legend stated that V was for Very Good, and G is for Good.  I received a number of VGs.  Is that a G+ or a V-?  Regardless, I'm pleased.


Speaking of quilts - I'm in the process of binding Ebb and Flow.  Haven't done a fussy binding before quite like this one.  I'm liking how it looks.

Just finished Becoming Superman.  I'm generally not a memoir reader but I had two different people recommend this book.  I loved Babylon 5, never realizing that J. Michael Straczynski wrote so many other things!  It was a roller coaster of a read (wild successes, terrible failures and a horrific violent family history). 


Lots of wind and thunder Tuesday evening that dumped a bit of rain... and it left a beautiful rainbow.  The colors were way more intense in person.  I love the fact it showed up even against a blue sky.  It was pure chance that I happened to step outside to catch this. 

That's it for this week.  Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Hi Sally! Wow, that's one tall avocado plant. I've always wanted to try growing one. I'll be watching with interest how yours does. Beautiful rainbow - it's nice to see after a big storm. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Your quilting is exquisite! And I love when we get that first inkling that the weather is changing. We don't have one here yet! Enjoy your day!

  3. beautiful photos with all that vivid color to enjoy. Your tomato looks like Mickie's where the night critters take a bite to suck out the water. She tried to put a pan of water near them, then tried cayenne pepper, and a couple other things. Talk to her about it. Mine are too small still.

  4. A hint of fall in the air would be welcome here! Ebb and Flo is so beautiful - not sure I left a comment on your post about it the other day. The way you're doing the binding is going to be really neat! I haven't tried anything like that yet, and am wondering how tricky it is to get it exact.

  5. I agree you can feel it even though it is 90+ degrees during the day, the wind had a bit of a chill. I hate it when something eats my beautiful veggies before I do. We have volunteer veggies in the pig poo pile. LOL
    Great likes.

  6. I used to have squirrels that just took a bite, This year my tomatoes aren’t doing well! I’m like Diann, I’m interested in the process of doing fussy binding! I love how it looks, but have no idea how to “make it so”!
    Fall is on the way here too! We walk in the evening and it has been very comfortable!

  7. Good luck with your avocado. Wouldn't that be something to have home-grown avocados? It is definitely cooler here at night. I went running this morning around 8:15 and my hands were cold for the first 15 minutes or so! We sure could use some precipitation here ... but sigh, none in the forecast!

  8. Pretty colours of Ebb and Flow and lovely rainbow photo. We have storms forecast for tomorrow after a week of boiling weather.

  9. Lovely quilt! Great photo of the rainbow,too.

  10. Hi Sally, Congrats on your showing at the quilt show. That must feel so satisfying.
    I compost too but have yet to find anything growing in there...I know there's a ton of avocado pits in mine. Enjoy growing that one.
    Hope your weekend is great!

  11. Hopefully the squirrel or other critter saved some tomatoes for you. My squirrels also like tomatoes and this year for the first time have tried passionfruit. One year, they took one bite out of each tomato, and left the rest for me, but it looks like they do like passionfruit and will eat all the seeds.

  12. I'm loving that you rescued the avocado from the compost pile!!!


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