
Sunday, August 2, 2020


We have a new foster guinea pig in the house.  She's a cute, tiny teddy named Thingamabob.

Thingamabob had been left at the shelter in poor condition and underweight.  We're taking care of her for two weeks in an effort to put some fat on her and lavish her with love and attention.

Thingamabob spent a good chunk of time checking out the cage when we brought her home.  I showed her the different levels and the cozy and the tunnel.  All those comfortable places to be and what does she do?  Perches on the hay rack.  Which, I must say, is impressive.  What is it about guinea pigs and being on top of hay racks?  She looks like Bertie all over again.

I lowered the hay rack, thinking if she could easily pull hay from the top of it, she'd be less likely to get into it.  Ha!  The next time I passed by I found her like this:  her nose was gone and only her butt was hanging out.  I extracted her, just to make sure she wasn't stuck, but she had been happily buried in there.  She could easily exit the side of the rack (she's that small).

When I passed the cage the next afternoon I nearly panicked - Thingamabob was nowhere to be seen.  Vanished.  But trust me - there is a guinea pig in that photo.  Really. 

Rob walked by and was concerned she was missing.  Did I let her loose on the floor?  I assured him she was there and he spent a bit of time looking for her.  The hay rack isn't that large - I'm surprised she fit in it.

I think Thingamabob was soothed by cocooning in the hay and being totally hidden.  When she wasn't eating she was hiding in there.  Unfortunately, she made an awful mess of the bottom of the hay rack and I had to remove it.  Poor girl needs a new spot to chill.  I at least gave her a pile of hay to burrow into.


  1. oh poor thing... she was unsafe for too long, and now needs to hide. In her food.
    Imagine us hiding in a pile of oreo cookies... wake up eat another one...
    is she young or just underfed, being so small. Or is that her genetics to be small. Selfishly I want y'all to keep her

  2. She's in good hands now. I love the pix of her hiding safely.

  3. Omgooodness. I am so happy she has found you ❤️❤️❤️.

  4. Thingamabob looks like a character, and a cutie! I'm sure dhe'll thrive with your good care of her, Sally!

  5. How adorable. I suspect that she will stop hiding as she thrives under your loving attention!

  6. What a cutie, she will feel safe with you now.


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