
Saturday, October 10, 2020

Backed Braid


The braided quilt is backed.

It's a very polka-dotty backing, isn't it?  The suns and moons are very blue and gold.  I was tempted to make a stripe with blue fabrics, but it would have ended up more purple than the blue on the front.  So I decided to go with rust and gold.  Not bad.  When it was done, the backing was a few inches bigger than the front all around.  Whew!

I layered it up, everything wonderfully aligned and realized one of the borders was wonky.  I hated to pull it up but I needed to restitch it.  So glad I did.


It took a couple of hours to baste the whole thing.  I had a chance to catch up on a bunch of YouTube videos as I worked with the needle and thread.  The tile floor was hard to work on, but once I got started I could kneel on the bit I rolled up.

I'm ready to quilt.  Creekbed first, then this.  I could possibly have both done by the end of the month.  (I've just jinxed myself.)  Wouldn't that be lovely?


  1. I love the way this turned out. The backing fabric looks awesome too. As far as kneeling on a hard surface goes, you should get one of those garden kneeling/sitting benches that are made out of metal & fold up. We use ours for kneeling on hardwood floors, as it can be flipped upside down. It's also used outdoors to avoid grass stains on my husband's knees.

  2. That backing fabric is really great! Congratulations on getting both quilts basted - I bet you will have two finishes by the end of the month!

  3. Happy Basting! Glad you had a sunny day to do all that work.

  4. I've learned the hard way to always give myself extra inches on backings, borders, whatever. Great feeling isn't it to be getting this one all done. Love that backing fabric...and the way you've put it together. Could stand on its own as a neat quilt.


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