
Thursday, October 22, 2020

I Like Thursday: Can't Keep Up

I haven't had a chance to write other blog posts this week.  I've made lots of progress on my quilt - I hope to have a post soon.

We were invited to a neighborhood pumpkin party, so I carved a pumpkin to display.  I haven't carved one in years - I forgot how fun they are to do.  I decided to do something artistic instead of just a jack-o-lantern face.  I love how this came out.  Not too sure how structurally sound it would be, but it hasn't collapsed yet.  

The pumpkins needed to be dropped off on Friday, for a Saturday evening outdoor party.  At the time I dropped mine off, there weren't many there...


but when I arrived on Saturday, there was quite a collection.

Some seriously cool designs.  The little card between the masked and wigged pumpkins says "Donald Trumpkin debates Joe Biden".

It was dark when I arrived (I took these photos the following day).  Some pumpkins had already been retrieved - so I can't show you all of them.  Lots of creativity in all shapes and sizes. 

I was surprised my phone managed to take any photo at all (if I had known it came out, I'd have taken more!).  Neighbors were masked and bundled for the cold.  Made it difficult to recognize the few people I knew!  Most people were new to me - it's a large neighborhood.  There was a huge fire pit, which was warm and cheery.  It was nice to learn more about the people and the place, although I won't remember most of their names.<sigh> I didn't stay long, but having a little social contact was nice.

Speaking of parties - we had a bluebird party in the burning bush this week.  There must have been a dozen of them when I ran to grab the camera.  I wasn't sure they were at first, since so many were more gray than blue.  They're hard to see in the photograph (so I circled them).  The blue and the pink were a pretty combination.  

The one bird feeder we hung out there has been getting a TON of activity.  I'm getting all the regulars but also saw a pine siskin, a greedy purple finch and a red-breasted nuthatch.  I can't believe the number of birds the feeder had attracted.

I did get out on the kayak on Thursday afternoon.  I even found a fellow Oru kayaker (she has the nifty new Inlet kayak) and got to see how that looks and folds up.  I got attention from several people both in setting up and taking down my kayak. 

It was seriously windy out there, and I had to paddle hard to get back to where I started.  But I loved the trees and the water was cleared of much of the lily pads I had to navigate around in the summer.  Doesn't the photo shout New England?  Driving around here the last few weeks has been a wonderful treat.  I wish I could show you how beautiful the trees are.

I finished quilting Creekbed.  Now I need to decide if I'm squaring the quilt to bind it, or leaving it with curved edges.  I got to try out the new quilting gloves and a Supreme Slider.  Oh, what a difference it made for the freemotion quilting!  I'll see how it works with the bigger quilt next.

I was unable on Sunday to meet a friend of mine for a walk.  I had to cancel last minute and was bummed about it.  However, she was kind enough to drive out here (bearing gifts of apple sauce!) to visit.  We parked ourselves on lawn chairs in the driveway (masked and social distance) to enjoy the fall weather and catch up.  It made my day.

That's it for me this week.  The I Like Thursday group keeps growing!  Stop by Not Afraid of Color to check out this week's posts.


  1. I've enjoyed your quilts, bluebirds, scenery, and pumpkins. Thank you for sharing. My feeder is also packed with a large number of birds for so early, but my suet feeder is like Starbucks. They line up in the trees to swoop in. I haven't seen bluebirds here in weeks, but yesterday had a bald eagle fly by the window of my studio! Sure beats the flock of Tom turkeys I usually have. And I had to smile fondly when I saw your guinea pig devotion--beautiful! We had a house full of cavies over the homeschooling years until I became very allergic to them. These little guys stole my heart! I know why you love them.

  2. the pumpkins are just cool especially your Klimt spirals!

  3. Great work on your pumpkins, I haven´t seen a carved one here yet, not even in a shop. The bluebirds must have made a pretty display hiding in the pink tree.

  4. What a great post. Your pumpkin is so cool. Thanks for the fall scenery. We don’t get that here so it’s great to see your views.

  5. Your pumpkin is awesome! And the pictures of the water are great! I need some ordinary fall photos today! It’s 21 degrees and blowing snow as I write this! Brrrr!
    We don’t get bluebirds here in NE WY. So cool to see yours!

  6. Hi Sally! Wow, you did a nice job carving your pumpkins. That one with the running horse is really cool, too. I can just hear all those bluebirds in the burning bush! What a party. That quintessential picture on the water with the trees reflecting in it is just gorgeous. I have a Supreme Slider that I actually sew to my quilt when FMQ once. I finally just pulled it out again after a time out for several months. I can see where it would be helpful! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Fun pumpkins and what a gorgeous view across the water when you were kayaking! And hooray for an almost finished quilt, too! I'm looking forward to seeing it.

  8. A great post with loads of interesting tidbits. How nice your neighbours care enough to want to get together and what fun to bring along the pumpkins. Yours are quite creative. That photo of the water against the autumn backdrop is just gorgeous. How nice to get out on the water like that; it must be invigorating. So glad you got in your stitching time and I'm curious about that slidey thing you mentioned. So you found it worked for you??

  9. So fun for everyone to carve pumpkins and display them all together! I love your pumpkin! It looks like a difficult design. I've never seen so many bluebirds at once! Great picture of the foliage. I wasn't crazy about the Supreme Slider when I had one. It was too slippery for me! I'm glad it works for you.

  10. Love, love, LOVE your carved pumpkin and the bluebird party!!

  11. That sounds like a great neighborhood gathering - and everyone was so creative with their pumpkins, including you. I really like the spirals. My neighbor's burning bush attracts a lot of birds, but I don't get to see them on the walk, only hear them.

  12. You do live in a fabulous neighbourhood. Great you all gathered together to check out the different pumpkins and to huddle around the fire pit. Your pumpkin was fantastic. How wonderful to see all those pretty blue birds gathered in that pretty pink tree.

  13. Wow, that's a lot of bluebirds (they're very rare around here). I love my quilting gloves, tho I rarely quilt on my reg. machine anymore but I now use them mostly while sewing on binding.

  14. Great likes! I love your pumpkin! The political pumpkins made me laugh! Wow on the bluebirds and glad you are getting your quilt done! Have a great week!

  15. The bluebirds in the burning bush is awesome. Your pumpkin is pretty snazzy, and great job taking pics. What lovely views while you kayak.

  16. I love everything about your post, but especially your personalized pumpkin! My husband and I "cheat" with designs we buy at the store .... Lovely fall colors in your post, too!


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