
Thursday, October 29, 2020

I Like Thursday: Lots of Plants

Another week already?  Where does it go? 

I tried out this recipe for  Apple Pandowdy.  It needed to be in a bigger pan with more apples.  Still, it was quite tasty (there's none left).

Apples!  I also made Apple Sausage Pie.  The house smelled delicious. 

The leaves are rapidly falling from the trees.  Of the leaves that are left, there's far more rust than the golds and reds.  I caught a few bright leaves last week.


I really liked this strand of ivy I found by Mason and Kiki's barn.  Isn't it cool?  I love how it shades from red to green.  I also like how the leaves were staggered (in the right-side photo). 


The Christmas/Thanksgiving/Whatever cactus is covered in buds.  Very happy?  Or maybe unhappy?  It will need to moved inside at some point soon.  For now, it seems to be doing great where it is.  

Picked green tomatoes I left in the sun room are slowly turning red.  I also hauled in the potted tomatoes.  They'll last, at most, until Thanksgiving.  The tomatoes on them are turning red faster than the few left outside.  Maybe I'll get another pint or two of sauce?  I'd like that. 

The other sun room plants are happy as well.  I can't believe how lush the peperomia has gotten.  It went nuts this summer.  The sage is thrilled with a bigger pot.  And after being lopped off, my avocado has re-leafed.  

I harvested all the basil weeks ago.  Then after the rain, several of the stumps sprouted.  The container also a surprise sprig of cilantro.  I brought them into the sun room, too, to see if they'll keep growing.  I even found another healthy looking avocado volunteer in the compost.  So that's keeping company with the basil and cilantro, too. 

I like that Creekbed is done!  I'm hoping for some nice weather so I can photograph it.  I haven't quite gathered myself to start quilting the braid quilt.  Soon.  In the meantime I've stitched a few more hexies together. 

Have a happy Halloween.  Are you keeping all the candy for yourself?  Daylight savings ends this weekend, too.  How can it be November?

That's all the likes I can talk about here.  LeeAnna has collected quite a bunch of good stuff at I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color. 


  1. Hi Sally! Yowsa that cactus is happy, I'd say. Covered in blooms?!! It doesn't bloom if it's unhappy. I noticed that mine has three buds. Three. I'm not sure why the limited number or why it hasn't grown any bigger but I'll take three! It's better than zero. Your apple treats look delicious. I can smell them from here and my mouth is watering. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Happy Halloween Sally! I think your basil will do fine in the house! Your apple pandocky made my mouth water! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Wow, a sunroom! That would be marvelous to extend the season. Don’t you just love when you get a surprise in a pot or in the compost! Fun! Do you actually get avocados or just a plant?

  4. I hauled all my indoor/outdoor plants in on Saturday- I'd thought about waiting but we had a big ice storm this week so I'm so glad I got them in before the weather turned. Most of them are easy to move, but several were very large and I'm glad I wasn't messing with them in freezing rain. My christmas cactus is covered in buds too- it almost always blooms in November rather than December, but I get so excited every time I see it budding. Have a great week!

  5. I love your sunroom. It's great to have plants around you in winter, and I like bringing in herbs to see how they do. Thai basil is the most successful. I save seeds and start it as an annual, but this year is a new experiment, bringing it indoors.

  6. Oh wish I had a sunroom. Perfect for the plants and also good light for stitching. I'm writing about my Christmas cactus next post. Mine is indoors now for the winter. I adore that ivy with the delicate colours. Interesting how cooler temps seem to turn things to reds. We've had rain and winds this week and it is quickly pulling down the leaves. Sigh!

  7. That ivy is really cool - I didn't even think it was real at first, until I read what you wrote about it! Glad your plants are all so happy! Looking forward to seeing your Creekbed finish.

  8. Hi,
    Your Apple Pandowdy looks yummy. Our leaves here have a kind of muted color this year. Not a bright as usual. Having a sun room would be awesome. It's on my list of things I want...Your plants seem to really like the sun room. Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!

  9. Your Fall pictures are really pretty ... that ivy is really cool! The plants look like they did well over the season and are continuing to do well. Pretty soon that cactus will be the talk of the town!

  10. what candy we have I will share with dh! Your baked goods sound so good! The ivy is pink, I want some!

  11. Your Christmas cactus is amazing! Mine looks pitiful but my camellia is in full bloom outside!

  12. Thank you for sharing all of your beautiful photos. Such a wonderful lot of things to love. I think I need to make pandowdy now!

  13. Beautiful pictures of your plants. The Christmas(?) Cactus looks huge! Are you still have trick or treat? They cancelled it here. I did buy some candy. I just hope I don't eat it all!

  14. Your Non specific holiday cactus is huge. Mine are plugging along. I think my sunroom at times get too warm.

  15. Great post, love the colours of the autumn trees and leaves, your Christmas cactus is going to be fabulous, remember not to move it in case the buds fall - mine died off years ago. The Apple Pandowdy looks delicious and would be a great hit in this house although I´ve never seen buttermilk here in Spain, not sure what it is - have to investigate.

  16. Those bright leaves are so pretty! They really stand out against the fence.
    I have never heard of sausage apple pie but I bet it does smell wonderful and taste amazing.


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