
Thursday, November 12, 2020

I Like Thursday: Indian Summer

A week full of good things.

My cactus is happily blooming.  There's two different plants in that pot and the other half is starting to bud. 

I never thought I'd put a trip to the dentist as something to like, but after nine months, it felt so good to have clean teeth! 


Then I had my hair lopped off.  I found a woman just down the street that would cut hair on her back deck.  It had a beautiful view of Lake Wyola.  Oh, I like having shorter hair again!


I hadn't seen my mom since August, so it was exciting to meet up with her and my sister on Saturday.  I brought my latest finished quilts.  Creekbed failed to come back with me - my sister sent me this photo soon after she returned home.  Looks quite nice on her wall!

On Tuesday I headed to Ayer (to prove I was me and fit to start the new job).  While I was there I met up with a friend I hadn't seen since February!  Certainly made the trip worthwhile.  We spent the afternoon hiking.  This was the view from the top of Newtown Hill.  It was such a beautiful warm day!

We hiked around Long Lake Park, too.  The sun coming through the trees and the leaves bathed everything in a warm glow.  So very pretty.

Whew!  We hiked close to five miles.

I'm wrapping up the week with bit of sewing, gardening, cooking, writing.  Then I will be back to nose-to-the-grindstone next week.  Oh, my!

There's more I Like Thursday posts over at Not Afraid of Color.  Enjoy! 




  1. So glad you have been able to visit with your Mom and sister. How our world has changed! The Creekbed quilt is amazing - it looks more like a painting than a quilt. The picture of the sun through the trees is terrific!

  2. Love your creekbed quilt and it looks great on the wall! So happy you got to see your Mom and sister and bike riding sounds like a perfect activity to socially distance as you spend time together! Have a great week!

  3. Sounds like a fun and busy week. Sounds like you had some great family and friends time. And you managed a hair cut. I so want to get mine cut, but with COVID cases increasing so much, it just seem the time to do that. Happy stitching this week.

  4. It is the little things that improve our life, isn’t it. Visits with family and friends, a haircut, and a cactus profusely blooming! All good things!

  5. Hi Sally! Beautiful cactus. Mine is blooming too but it only has four blossoms. I love the color of yours. Gosh, I NEED to get my hair cut. I was hoping this weekend but we've got to self-quarantine again. No babies, no haircut. Aww, don't you just LOVE it when your quilts are snagged and loved right away?! Good luck with your new job! You'll rock it, I'm certain. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. creekbed is so good.... your life sounds almost back to normal... the sign that people in your area are being careful. I'd not be safe to do any of that here

  7. The little things are definitely what make life good! I love that your sister took Creekbed home and put it right up. Gorgeous hiking spot, too!

  8. It is good to read folks getting outdoors and meeting friends and family. The weather the past week has been great hiking weather.

  9. How's the new job going? I love your shorter hair. I had a little cut off of mine but it's not as much as yours. Your sister has good taste!!

  10. That hair length looks quite manageable to me. We have not gone to the dentist since this all started. In fact, I bought the little electric tool for scaling my own teeth...I'm a tooth nut amongst other things. LOL Your piece has found the perfect home and I'm glad you got to have a visit with your mom. You are being very productive these days. Imagine enjoying a lake view while getting a hair cut. Wonderful.

  11. 'Tis strange isn't it to think we cannot visit whomever we want these days. My, what a wonderful view to drink in while you were getting your new hairdo. It does look lovely. It seems you are all ready to 'hit the ground running. Enjoy your working hope you are not run off your feet.

  12. Gorgeous hike. Enjoy your new job. Isn't it the best to have your teeth cleaned? Your haircut looks nice. LOL Creekbed just jumped into your sister's car to go home with her? How great to see your mom after a few months.


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