
Thursday, December 17, 2020

I Like Thursday: Gifts

Wait.  What?  It's Thursday??  How did that sneak in?  Okay - a quick, late post today....

One of Rob's favorite quotes is "Leave the gun.  Take the cannoli."  (I love the fact that the line was improvised.)  So last Friday Rob left the foster guinea pigs and took the pastry.  

I can live with that.

Chocolate raspberry bomb, lemon bomb (our favorite), chocolate cake and chocolate caramel coconut cake.  It helped ease returning Panda and Mango to Dakin.

We're still finding painted rocks on the Sterling rail trail.  The rock had pretty polka dots on it (you can't see on the overexposed photo).  Happy rock under such amazingly green mossy tree.  It was a happy day, too:  meeting up with my mother and sister for a walk and an  exchange of holiday goodies.  

I returned home to find more goodies on my doorstep.  A friend unexpectedly dropped by and left some of my favorite bark, a lovely table runner and quilting stuff.  I didn't have time to photograph the table runner.  I'll have to post it next week.  (Like, seriously, is it really Thursday??)

I forgot this post is that I am busy working on my nephew's ornament.  I have a body and an arm.  It's progress.  Really.

That's it - must dash.  I should be more on the ball next week.  Enjoy the others' I Like Thursday posts over at Not Afraid of Color!


  1. Porch goodies are always fun! Looking forward to seeing the table runner!

  2. Hi Sally! How is the new job going? Love your treats and that painted rock is cool. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Those treats look really yummy! That quote comes up at our house, too - along with, "It's time to go to the mattresses." :) Are you getting lots of snow?

  4. The pastry looks delicious! Can't wait to see your ornament! It must be nice to see the painted rocks on your walks. You must have nice friends to leave you goodies!!

  5. What fun that you have goodies turn up on your porch! Those little treats look very tasty!

  6. I am not sure I could have traded the pigs for the pastry, which is probably another reason why I should not foster!

  7. Good treats for a job well done! Love that you came home to goodies! Have a safe and happy weekend!

  8. Oh your goodies look awesome. Love the painted rocks. I can so relate to wait it is Thursday, what day is it?


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