
Thursday, December 31, 2020

I Like Thursday: Happy New Year!

I've been wrapping up my end-of-year posts and don't have a whole lot left over for this week's I Like Thursday.

I love the cards I got from my sister for Christmas. These cards are all prints from her original watercolors.  It was fun going through them saying, "I know where that is!"

I like that I finished the braid quilt (still yet unnamed).  I just need to think of a name to label it, then figure out how to get good photos that don't involve Rob balancing atop a tall ladder.

I like that 2020 is ending.  Amen.  The last few years I have come to the end of they year hoping the next year may be a little easier, a little less stressful.  Good grief - they were walks in the park compared to this year.  But this year I seem to feel a bit more anticipation of better things being just around the corner.  Fingers crossed!

I have very much liked being part of LeeAnna's I Like Thursday group.  I hope you've liked reading them!


  1. Your sister is so talented with her artwork. I guess wonderful creativity runs in the family. =) I am rather glad 2020 will be gone and a new year will be commencing. Let us hope this new year will be a less crazy one. A beautiful new year to you!

  2. Your sister's cards are lovely! They'll be fun to use when sending a note to a friend. Amen to the end of 2020! There's nowhere to go but up! :)

  3. two creative sisters... you speak the same language. 2021 is also going to be challenging especially the transitional January weeks... but you're right each year I hope the new one will be easier. May this one be productive in outlook and health at least. LeeAnna

  4. Awesome to have note cards that are so personal! I love that! I’m always on the lookout for that type of thing! I hope to have a few from some local photographer soon!

  5. Hi Sally! I also feel the anticipation of better things right around the corner. The vaccine will hopefully help us to get a handle on the virus and maybe in six months or so, we can start to gather again. Happy New Year! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. I love your sister's artwork. Another talent in the family! I'm hopeful for 2021 too! Let's hope for better times ahead!

  7. Those cards are so gorgeous. Happy New Year. Use the Thesaurus to find a word for your braid quilt....plait, plat, queue, pigtail.....

  8. Sally - Happy New Year! I think 2020 has brought many silver linings, and one of them is the benefit of perspective. Lovely cards from your sister. Here's a toast to 2021!


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