
Saturday, January 16, 2021


I gravitate towards projects requiring me to use what's on hand to create or fix something.  I cobble.  Or as Rob often tells me, I putter.  What can I say?  It's my thing.  Which is probably why I find creating scrappy quilts most satisfying. 

I am well into January's OMG of cleanup, which gave me permission to do nothing but cobble for the month:  batting is frankensteined, selvedge blocks are done, I even wrapped fabric around more clothesline.  Once I finish piecing together the last of my wavy blocks, I can cut up my remaining scrap.  

I also stitched together another 10 string kite pieces to arrange as wonky square blocks.  I thought they'd make an interesting baby quilt.

I'm always amazed at how different the same blocks can look depending on the layout.  Thees blocks make red-gold squares with blue diamonds, blue squares with red-gold diamonds, or a set of aligned wonky squares of red and blue with pinwheels in-between.

Right now I'm leaning towards the blue squares and red-gold diamonds.  A 3x3 block quilt (with 11" squares) would be on the small side - so I'm also considering adding a border.  I pulled out a bunch of smaller kites I had been keeping to use in some future project.  I need to play some more with that.

It's busy, but scrappy-stringy quilts are often an outburst of color and shapes.  I'm curious how it will look like all together.  I plan to put blue squares in the middle of the blocks.

And I'm already considering my next set of kite string blocks.  That pinwheel shape layout could be cool.  I've enjoyed designing patterns with this Kites Plus ruler that don't boil down to hexagrams or equilateral triangles.  I'm not sure why I'm so captivated by this ruler - obviously I'm not yet ready to put it down and move on.

Sharing with:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?
Wendy's Quilts and More - Peacock Party


  1. I was trying to figure out what makes your blocks so interesting. I've made string blocks and seen a lot of other ones, but yours are always more interesting. Your color placement, your block settings... I always enjoy seeing them!

  2. I agree with LeeAnna - your string blocks are always so interesting! I enjoyed seeing how you can play with different designs using those blocks.

  3. I like the concept of an outburst of colors and patterns! Love how you made that photo move too. I just woke up and I was surprised and not sure what I was seeing! heehee! Happy sewing!

  4. What is this magic you possess that makes photos move like that? I really enjoyed watching the different layout options - they're all visually exciting. I can't wait to see this one finished!

  5. Sally - what a cool effect to see those blocks moving around! I am a "cobbler/putterer" too. I recently cut the decorative moose off an old pair of pajamas with the intention to turn it into a pillow ... some day!


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