
Thursday, January 7, 2021

I Like Thursday: Memories

A quiet start to the new year. 

My sister is currently playing Myst with her son.  Oh, my sister and I had enjoyed playing Myst so much when it came out (back in '94?).  I've tried several times over the years to install it on my linux system with no luck.  But Rob (who is awesome) got it up and working last week.  I have spent way too many hours playing it.  It's been wonderfully nostalgic. 

I tried a new mask pattern.  This requires larger pieces of fabric than my old pattern and, unless I heavily modify it, isn't designed to insert a paper filter.  I like the shape though.  

I tried out the new mask last Thursday - a walk with a friend I hadn't seen months.  How nice! 



It wasn't the prettiest day, but we had a good visit.  Added bonus:  as we walked down to the edge of the water, we noticed this log floating near us.  Oddly, it had a wake.  It was a big beaver!  He swam to the shore, then stood in the water, stripping the bark off a branch.  He was so close to us we could hear him munching (but not close enough to get a good photo).  Very cool!

Last year, one of my friends on Facebook posted about keeping a memory jar for the year.  You jot down highlights from the week on scraps of paper and stuff them in a jar, then pull them out to read them at the end of the year.  I used the back of my weekly (then biweekly) shopping lists - recycle and reuse!  And what a year.  There's events I clearly remembered, other fun things I had forgotten.  It was interesting to read my reaction to the pandemic as it unfolded; how excited I was to see family and friends once the lockdown started to ease. 

The braid quilt has been labeled Pandemic Plaits.  It's hanging out on the design wall, awaiting to be properly photographed and blogged.  The quilt is so big it drapes on the floor.  Colette
gave me the idea for the name.  Thanks!!

That's it for the week.  I'm off to Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday to see what good things are happening with others (because we all need a little of that right now).


  1. It's so great to meet a friend for a walk, especially one you haven't seen in awhile! And to see a beaver - so cool. Pandemic Plaits turned out wonderfully! I love how the different shades of color give it so much depth.

  2. I like the idea of the memory jar, might give it a try. Your Pandemic Plaits is so colourful, lovely work.

  3. Love the Memory Jar idea. Your quilts are beautiful! I've been using masks from work even though I made quite a few cloth masks. I can't wear them at work so I end up using disposables.

  4. Haaaaaa, Myst! A lot of very good memories for me too ;)) The memory jar is a very good idea. And your Pandemic Plaits quilt is a beauty!

  5. I used to play Myst. The memory jar is very cool. A beaver that is awesome. Pandemic Plaits is an awesome name, happy to be of some help. Great likes as usual.


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