
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Party Animals

Driving home from the grocery store I glanced down at my car's console and saw a single peanut butter cracker in its package.  I burst out laughing,  suddenly sussing a mystery I hadn't known existed. 

I'm making no sense?  Let's roll back a couple of weeks...

I always keep some peanut butter crackers and a granola bar in the car in case I get hungry.  When I found an empty cracker wrapper under my feet two weeks ago, I figured I ate them on a prior drive and just forgot.  It was a little odd since I'm usually good about throwing away the wrapper and restocking.  I got home and replaced the crackers.

Not the culprit
Fast forward to yesterday.  One lone cracker in the wrapper?  Not me!  First, I hadn't been out.  Second, I always eat them all.  In that instant, I realized I had not mindlessly eaten the other package of crackers either.

I've left peanut butter crackers in my car for years - this is nothing new.  My guess is the crackers became a target from the car left undisturbed for days on end.

I inspected the car when I got home.  Interestingly, the last cracker in the sleeve was untouched.  There was also not a crumb of the others to be found anywhere in the car.  Additionally, my mystery eater was polite enough to tuck the chewed off end of the cellophane into the rest of the package.  As dinner guests go, they had terrific manners.  Which is why I had been bamboozled into giving them seconds.

However, now that I was looking closely, I could see my guest(s) had quite the party in my car.  I had remarked a week earlier on some odd flakes of plastic on the dashboard I had never seen before.  Still not quite sure what that was, but am certain my they're behind it.  On the other hand, the little poos strewn across the back seat were unmistakable.

Needless to say, I've cleaned the car and will not be replacing the crackers.  I hope they enjoyed the festivities while it lasted.  


  1. yikes... don't get an ant infestation...

  2. Though I enjoy a good kitchen party, in this case I'd be happy the party was in the car instead :)


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