
Thursday, February 4, 2021

I Like Thursday: Round and Around

Pattern designed by Quilt Art Designs -
I like snow and we got 10 inches or so.  I snowshoed around on Tuesday (it was a workout!).  I found and followed a variety of tracks out in the woods.  Couldn't get out yesterday, but maybe tomorrow if it doesn't melt to much.  I have more exploring to do. 

The latest Project Quilting is Virtual Vacation.  There's a lot of beautiful quilts linked up already.  I had been wanting to make this paper pieced lighthouse for a while.  The pattern is tiny - only 4 inches square.  I expanded it to 6 inches for a mug rug and modified it to look more like Nauset Light.  

You've heard of the little free library?  How about the little free art gallery?  How cute is that?


I am amused by the button I received yesterday.  My arm hurts and I suspect it will be a rough day today.  Regardless, I am happy to have it done.

Did you see the round mug rugs I made?  That was fun!

I've started my taxes.  Yeah - maybe a stretch to put on my like list, but sooner started, sooner finished!

And that finishes my I Like post!  Linking up with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.



  1. Gosh, all that detail in such a tiny mug rug. Your lighthouse looks fabulous. I'm glad you like snow. It would be a workout trudging through it all.

  2. Love your virtual vacation quilt and those mug rugs! Wow! Have a safe and happy day!

  3. There was more snow north of here. Except for a snowdrift in the backyard, the big snow storm turns out to be a bit of a snow sprinkling.

  4. how did you get shot already??? MA is better prepared I suspect. Which vaccine did you take?
    Our 4 days of snow turned out to be a tiny frosting last night and sunshine today so one just never can predict here!

  5. I love your lighthouse mini - such great details! Your round mug rugs are great, too. Fun way to use up some string blocks! Glad you've gotten out snowshoeing, gotten your shots, and started on your taxes. All good!

  6. Hi Sally! Those round mug rugs you made are so darn cute, and I love the lighthouse mini. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Your lighthouse mug rug is fabulous. LOL You got shot twice? Love your round mug rugs. I have my taxes done. I am waiting for mid February though, they are updating some tax codes so all the data is entered just the calculations my change.

  8. I get my second vaccine Monday! I hope I don't get too sick. So glad you got yours over with. Love the light house mug rug. The round mug rugs are great! I don't even want to think about taxes yet! You're doing so good starting them early!

  9. Your mug rugs are very cute! They look like fun to make. Another something for me to try. :-)

  10. I love the lighthouse, beautiful mug rug! The round ones are pretty too!

  11. YOur lighthouse is wonderful and so are those pretty perfectly round mug rugs. Yes to getting your vaccine too. Don't know when our turn will come here. I wonder should I get snowshoes.

  12. I have made her patterns before and they are not for the light hearted. Beautiful!

  13. Sally - so glad you got vaccinated - I hope any side effects are not too serious. Thanks for the link to the Little Art Gallery - a fabulous idea, and it is cool to see that others have been participating!


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