
Thursday, February 25, 2021

I Like Thursday: Sewing, Baking and Outdoors

I continue to be obsessed with kite blocks.   I finished with the little flower kites mug rug - which I love.

Then I looked up at the string kites I have on my design wall and started to wonder what other patterns I could create with these.  I played with some of the little ones I have.  This has promise.  I also have an idea similar to the strings one.  So I at least have two more quilts I want to make with kites.  

Circles and kites... I could be at this for a while before I work this out of my system.


Weather caused us to postpone our monthly mother/daughters walk until last Sunday.  We feared we'd get snowed or iced out again, but the roads were clear.  I thought the bike path would be snowy but well packed.  Turns out we should have brought our skis!  We passed a half dozen skiers.  Next time.  We got quite a workout from the uneven ground (and being careful not to tread on the ski tracks).  Regardless, it was a delightful day and we enjoyed the time outside.

We admired the tiny bit of open water on the froze lake.  The snow made the edge look so sharp, the contrast between the ice and the dark blue water.

More snow on Monday, which is so pretty, and was enough to get me out snowshoeing during the week again.  I love how it frosted the trees.  It's been so warm they're all bare again by the next morning morning.

A year ago yesterday I had my thyroid removed.  Timing is everything!  So glad to have had it out when I did - I do not miss it at all.  I'm amazed how much the scar has faded.  I really like that.

Ahhh... baking (but alas, no photos).  Rob's been craving coffee cake and lemon cookies.  Meanwhile I bought a package of little blueberries that were perfect for baking.  I made a simplified version of these blueberry cookies.  They're still pretty good without the cream cheese and blueberry jam (but next time I will go through the hassle of stuffing them).  I slopped a little leftover lemon frosting on a few of them which was pretty good, too!

Another week that flew by.  Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Congrats on your one year anniversary from surgery! Can't see the scar at all! Love your kites and can't wait to see what you do with them again! Have a safe and happy day!

  2. You cannot have too many circle or kite quilty things in my opinion. I too love both! Your photos are ditto of my property...pretty as postcards esp. with a blue sky. So happy you have healed so well from surgery. They are getting better all the time. Thanks for the links to delicious baking. Enjoy it all!

  3. Good to hear that you are fully recovered from your surgery last year. The photo with the open blue water is so peaceful and promising. Thank you for sharing your outdoor adventures. Thanks also for the recipes. I have made similar coffee cake and lemon cookie recipes, but never have I made blueberry cookies or even thought to do so. They look delicious! I am going to have to try these soon ... :) Pat

  4. yea!
    hey, we got 12" of snow overnight, might be headed your way... look out!

  5. Your walking path looks magical! Winter can be happier when we get outdoors. I don't see any scar. You heal well.
    Blueberry and lemon...I wonder how blueberry cheesecake with lemon sauce will taste, (the opposite of my favorite dessert). :)

  6. Amazing that a year has passed since your surgery and so glad all is well! A walk after snowfall with the sun out and blue skies is always nice. We just came home from one! Your baking sounds yummy. I like your kite projects, too - do you have a special ruler to cut them?

  7. The pic of the water with the snow is amazing. Glad you got some time out, do you cross country ski too? The snowshoeing still amazes me. Love your kite projects. Yay for 1 year. Did you have to change your diet at all with the thyroid being out?

  8. I can't believe it's been one whole year since you had your thyroid removed. That went by fast! I look forward to your kites and circle quilts. Sounds interesting! Your baking sounds delicious!

  9. You are fortunate your thyroid was removed before Covid affected the hospitals. Gosh, was it really a year ago?? Love the photo of the little 'patch' of water amongst the frozen lake. How beautiful your walks are in your snowy wonderland.


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