
Thursday, March 25, 2021

I Like Thursday: Spring Is Springing

The week and weekend flew by!  The weather has been lovely.  Met with a friend on Sunday to walk at Quabbin.  The shattered ice was pretty.  I love how it shaded from dark grey to white.  (Made me think of a quilt.  Hmmmm...)


The sunshine felt wonderful!  Spending an afternoon with a friend felt great, too.  I was grateful my on-call shift finished quickly without problem, allowing me to get out and enjoy the sunshine.

My nephew is going back to a real brick-and-mortar school so I whipped up a batch of masks for him. 


I spent Saturday sewing together this little quilt I made for the last Project Quilting.  This week I'm trying to get the sunny lanes quilt off the floor. 

I still haven't had time to plant some seeds.  Maybe today?  And if I am very lucky, I may get the kayak out later.

Rob got his second shot on Tuesday!  We have a fully vaccinated household.  Wonderful!

I've been enjoying the warmer weather and the hopes of getting together with more friends in the not-too-distant future.  I never seem to have enough time to do what I want now - I can't imagine where the time will go when things get a little bit more back to normal.  There's more to like over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. How lovely for you and your friend to get out and enjoy friendship and the lovely landscape around you. Exciting that schools are beginning to open again there.

  2. My daughter and I walked the property the other day. Who knew a partial circuit would log over 1000 steps, and pretty much wore Bobbin out for the rest of the day. The weather has been too nice not to be outside lately. My youngest grandson is going back to the brick and mortar school too, he just doesn't want to do the school work and my daughter and his father are frustrated with him, as well as his older siblings. I agree the picture with the ice and the pond would make a gorgeous quilt.

  3. That ice is really neat looking- I've never seen anything like that. And I'm glad your nephew will get to go back to in-person school (and with fabulous comfy masks too!)

  4. hi Sally... back to outdoor life, right?

  5. Hi Sally! Yippee for walking and visiting with a friend. And for the return to brick-and-mortar school opening again! Woohoo! Super-duper about a fully vaccinated household. We are almost there, too. Sue gets her second dose tomorrow. Phew! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. That photo could definitely become a quilt! Looks like a beautiful spot. Hooray for being fully vaccinated, too. It's good that we're headed out of this crazy past 12 months!

  7. Isn't it nice that we can go outside again?? It's so nice to have some warm weather. It's great to be vaccinated. I feel better going out even though I'm still staying home a lot.


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