
Thursday, April 1, 2021

I Like Thursday: April Fools

March is supposed to come in like a lion, out like a lamb?  Well, the wind has been roaring all month; I think it will blow out the way it blew in.

This bucket of colorful feathers appeared at the top of the hill.  I liked the little bit of whimsy against the grey and brown landscape - a little burst of cheer, promising more to come.

The crocuses have started to bloom.  I am looking forward to more color in the yard soon.

My "Shady Lanes" quilt is a flimsy!  I finished stitching it together on Sunday.  It needs to hang out on the wall for a while.   I'm not sure how to quilt it, and I need to piece together another quilt before sandwiching this.  On top of that, my machine desperately needs to be cleaned and oiled.  No more sewing until I do some maintenance. 


Sunday was a busy day!  Zoom with my mom and sister.  Then a zoom call with some friends I haven't spoken to in a few months.  It was good to catch up.  Unfortunately I had to drop off that call early - I had found out the day before of a seed swap that was taking place Sunday afternoon.  Even in the pouring rain there were a dozen or two people that brought vegetable and flower seeds to trade.  The Facebook post invited people to show up, even if they had nothing to trade.  There was so much there!  I brought home packets of flowers, some tomatoes, carrots, peppers - even leeks.  (I've not seen leek seeds before.)  It was worth the trip.  I hope to attend next year with some seeds to trade.  It was a very festive attitude even with the dreary weather.  Lots of people excited about the growing season.

I love Pysanky eggs.  They're so time consuming to make.  I haven't worked on one of these in decades.  But every time I see these eggs, they bring back happy memories.

NEFFA is holding an online festival this year.  I've even seen a schedule grid.  That makes me happy.  I'm trying to figure out what I can attend (I'm on call that weekend).  I will look forward to listening to the music if nothing else. 

Are you doing anything foolish for April Fool's?  I can't believe it's April already.  I'm sure there's more creative projects and pretty views over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  No foolin'!


  1. How fabulous...a seed swap. Such a fantastic idea. Love Shady Lanes; a finished flimsy, well done.

  2. I have read about seed swaps, but only seen plant swaps nearby. Yep another windy day here too. Sigh. The bucket of feathers is so whimsical. How can it not make you smile. Great quilt. Awesome likes.

  3. I hadn’t thought about April Fools. Guess that happens when you get “older” and nobody wants to fool you or be fooled! Boring! !
    I’m anxious to get tomatoes growing, but too early here. Well chose plants rather than seeds!
    Have a great Week!

  4. Shady Lanes looks gorgeous! I would be happy to have it hanging out on the wall the way you do. A seed swap sounds fun! And isn't Zoom great for seeing old friends? One thing to be thankful for out of this crazy last 12 months!

  5. I wonder how long the bucket of feathers blew around or how far it travelled to arrive to you for April Fool's Day? It has been a very windy March. Your flimsy looks wonderful. Looking forward to seeing how you decide to quilt it. A seed swap sounds like fun. I did a plant swap once a few years ago. Ukrainian Easter Eggs have always looked so complex and detailed to me, I do not think I would ever attempt this art form. May you and yours have a Happy Easter ... :) Pat

  6. Sally - our weather has also been a bit changeable, but such is Spring in Montana. Your "Shady Lanes" is gorgeous. I laughed about your list of to dos before getting back to it, especially the sewing machine maintenance. We forget about maintenance at our peril! Nothing foolish here for April 1, or at least, not that I know of yet!

  7. My husband plants our "fake" garden every year with the help of my semi-sil so I can still have flowers even if I can't physically plant them. Feathers would be an interesting idea to add to our "fake" flower garden. Do they hold up well in the mist & rain? On the April Fools item, the only soap opera I watch had a show yesterday, that had me wondering if the writers had actually lost all sense of normalcy. Should have been a clue, but lately the show has swung from one extreme to another, finding its feet with new writers. Who from my perspective seem to have never watched a soap opera before & are taking the genre too literally. At the end, some cast members said "April's fool". All I could think was whew, it was a joke after all.

  8. Oops forgot something. On quilting your shady lanes quilt, what about a diamond spiral either on each diamond or one on the quilt as a whole?

  9. I love your scrap quilt! My husband is usually the one that plants all the flowers every year. I give him suggestions but that's about it! I like to plan what I'm going to do with my quilting but my schedule seems to go by the wayside a lot! I guess we just do the best we can! Happy Easter!


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