
Thursday, April 8, 2021

I Like Thursday: Candy and Eggs


I enjoyed making Easter candy over the weekend.  They make a pretty picture.  I really hope next year to have some friends and family over to make them, too!

Speaking of Easter - have you ever seen the Faberge eggs?  I remember seeing them at a museum years ago.  Impressive.

Wow - that suddenly reminds me of Colleen Moore's dollhouse.  I love dollhouses, and was amazed at the pictures and descriptions of this one.  Gold and jewels!  Working waterworks.  How cool is that?  Got to see it in person in 1985. 


Can't say that I like this, but it was impressive!  Barn at the end of the street collapsed.  I had said it was blustery!


Neodymium disk drive magnets are really powerful.  This notepad is about a half inch thick but is easily held in place.  You would not want to get your finger between the magnet and the fridge!  It's strong!

And this video was entertaining - how long do you think it took him to build and test that ball run?

I've been enjoying the warmer weather.  Planted some seeds, watching the flowers in the garden start to sprout.  Good stuff.

I've been trying to get caught up all week, but managed to get this written in time.  Hopefully next week will be a little more under control.  Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday


  1. It's been so windy lately. I'm not surprised to see that barn collapse. You made a lot of nice sweets for Easter. My mother made her usual rice cake which is a tradition in Italy. It's very similar to rice pudding but much richer. I haven't weighed myself since Easter. I don't want to see how much I gained!

  2. Hi Sally! Oh, those Easter treats look yummy. I'm sorry to see that barn has collapsed. I've heard that it's bad luck to tear down a barn so that would be the only way to be able to build a new one. I hope the barnwood is salvageable. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I love old barns and have kind of been mourning all the ones I have seen collapse the last couple of years or they just take them down. Your candy looks yummy. The ball run video is definitely impressive. Great likes.

  4. Your candy looks pretty and yummy all at the same time! I loved looking at the Faberge eggs and the ball run video, too. That kid looked quite pleased with himself!

  5. love old farmhouses and barns. Once on the eastern shore MD we stopped at one for sale... no one there but the door was open so we went in and I imagined it with a big family in it... nice

  6. Sadly we see old collapsed barns around here. Often a new fancy one is in front of it. I have not made candy in many years, used to always make fudge, toffees and popcorn balls for holidays. I'm envious you are planting...though spring is in fine form here, we are not quite ready for that. Enjoy your week now, Sally.

  7. Sally - good looking candy. I just finished the last of my Easter candy.

    We have had strong winds, and there was a barn nearby that had all the tin ripped off the roof!

  8. Yummmmm!! The little nested eggs are so cute!
    I feel bad for that poor barn. Poor guy! Our hay barn fell down too last week. My back yard looks strange without it. Time to rebuild.


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