
Thursday, May 13, 2021

I Like Thursday: Bells, Barns, Shakers and Sows

Ooh - lots of photos.  I met up with a friend on Sunday for a walk and a bit of local history.  We had fantastic weather.  First stop was the forest bells.  The bells are long and skinny, like oversized wind chimes.  Can you find the two of them in this photo?

Obviously not very visible.  But they were a fun find and sounded pretty.  There's six of them in this area, each with a bell pull marked with their note.  I tried to take video of the sound... but it didn't turn out.  I guess I'll have to go back again?  

Nearby were three stick tipis.  Just tall enough to stand in.

From there we headed to the Harvard Shaker Village.  I loved the ruins of a big old barn.  I thought the arch was so cool.  And from old photos it looks like it had at least two stories?  Maybe three?  Neat.

The garden in front of it was pretty, along with South Family building.  So much blue and green that afternoon.

Next we headed to Fruitlands, which was packed (I think everyone was taking their mother to the cafe for Mother's Day brunch).  But the view from the top of the  hill was amazing!

We could see mountains from New Hampshire down through Massachusetts.

Such a beautiful and enjoyable day.  It felt good to be out and about.

Guinea pig train!  Browny is in front, then Bolt, then Bear.  They like the egg-cersizer, but the wide open space of floor time was a little overwhelming.  I'm amazed at how well they share playing with the egg-cersizer.

Browny is a total loaf.  A lazy pig and oh, so squishable.  Bolt is very well named:  zoom!  Zoom!  She's curious and adorable and very, very wheeky.  Bear is a full diva sow and clearly the one that rules the roost.  

All three are starting to come around to life here.  Maybe it's not so bad.  Maybe having Auntie Sally reach in to give a pat isn't so scary to chatter at.  Clearly it's a safe enough place to wheek at the top of your lungs for dinner.

There's tiffs and spats and nipping and rumblestrutting, but they get along very well together.  At the end of the day they all sack out in various spots in the cage.

That's it for this week!  Linking up with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Oh the bells in the woods sound like an amazing hike. What a view from the hilltop. Love your descriptions of the GP. Sounds like a full house now.

  2. cute littles to watch. Your views are so gorgeous.

  3. Pretty photos. Where did they come from!? I've been away for a few days and there's 3 lovelies to see.

  4. I looked and looked but could not see the bells. What a neat thing! And what a great place to explore. Loved to see those little beings enjoying themselves too.

  5. Hi Sally! Lots of fun photos of all the outside activities you were able to enjoy with your friend. Oh, and Browny, Bolt, and Bear are so darn cute. Fab fun! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. What an interesting and beautiful place for a walk! Love those piggies, too - they look like fun!

  7. What a fabulous place for a walk! I found the bells! I’d love to experience them! Thanks too for sharing some details about the piggies!

  8. Lovely photos of your outdoor adventures and the critters indoor adventures. I spied the wind bells, which I have read about but never seen. I have been to Fruitlands, but not for many years. I have never visited the Shaker site, although I know where it is and go to an orchard in Harvard for cider and fruit. We should add the village to our own outdoor adventure list. Cute little piggies. Aunt Sally is clearly taking good care of them. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  9. The idea of those large bells is wonderful. I bet they sounded so pretty among the rustle of the trees in the wind. Also enjoying your other photos of the old building and large house (South Family Building) with its gardens and fences.
    Cute piggies too!

  10. You live in such a beautiful area. The guinea pigs look like they're having fun all together! I'm sure you're enjoying them too!


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