
Monday, June 3, 2024

Spring Pignic 2024

A pignic!  First one I've been to since October 2019.  It was a small gathering of maybe a handful of boars and twice as many sows.  Members of the Pig Patrol reminisced about a pignic from years ago that had over 70 guinea pigs attend (and who knows how many humans).  This year's event hearkened back to our very first pignics.

It was great to see each of the Pig Patrol people in action.  I was also amused that my original Dustpan of Doom™ has been duplicated (and they both came in handy).  For those not familiar with the device:  a human should never stick a bare hand to separate guinea pig disagreement.  They're likely to come with worse wounds than any of the guinea pigs.  The dustpan can be inserted between the opposing parties, and as they wonder how this blue wall appeared, one of the pigs can be safely scooped up or convinced to go elsewhere.

There were a few guinea pigs that were overwhelmed at meeting other piggies.  Most hit the ground eating.  So much lush grass and clover!  It didn't take long for them to settle down.  The grass coma started to hit about an hour after the piggies arrived.  All that running around, meet and greet and eating takes a lot of energy!

There were two black boars that were utterly fascinated by a larger grey and white one.  He did not know what to do with all that attention!  He just wanted to sit and eat grass - he tried to rumble at them and tell him he was big and bad and lay off.  But they were like:  Hi!  Talk to us!  Play with us!  Who are you!  This conversation went on for a while before we tried to split them up because they were getting a bit stressed. 

Wheek!  Wheek!  Wheek!  Who says girls are the talkative ones?

It was just about a perfect day to hang out under the shady tree enjoying the breeze and the company.

One of the attendees, a guinea pig named Hermie, is a therapy animal.  He arrived with his own business cards listing some of his favorite things and that he's been a therapist since 2022.

Before I knew it, it was over!  I wish I had had more time to spend with each of the Pig Patrol members.  Even so, I enjoyed spending the afternoon in their company as we chatted with familiar faces and admired the guinea pigs.  It was great seeing you all!


  1. Look at all those cute piggies! Sounds like a fun day. And I love the "dust pan of doom!"

  2. What a fun day! I love the Dustpan of Doom! It's funny but so practical!!

  3. I'm so happy to see the return of the Pignics! When my Occasional Helper's little girl was given two pigs last year (it was a very careful rehoming situation and has worked out beautifully) I told OH about your pignics and the Dustpan of Doom :)

  4. I loved this post, Sally! How lucky these tiny creatures are to have such loving humans! Imagine, a therapy guinea...actually, I can. I would love one myself. Great idea with that dustpan.


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