
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Test Feathers

I've finished a couple of test blocks - enough that I'm comfortable with the pattern and ready to cut the rest of the fabric.  The finished quilt dimensions make it appear the block is 18 x 9" finished, but no matter how I set my printer settings, I get it to print a pattern that produces a 17½ x 8¾" block.  I never noticed before (and it didn't matter for the wall quilts I made).  So I'll roll with that.  A slightly shorter quilt is fine and if it feels too skinny, I can add one more feather (or a bit more background) across. 

I added extra fabric to the pieces of one of my test blocks, to make the finished 18 x 9" block.  But the extra work and trying to resize the pattern pieces wasn't worth the effort (and it will be easy to cut that down to the same size as the other).  Now that I am comfortable with the process, I'll be sewing strips and cutting feathers this weekend!


  1. Those are looking great - love the colors! I've made blocks like that where, no matter what I did, I just could not get the block to be the size it was supposed to be. But if all of your blocks are a consistent size, they'll still fit together in the quilt top.

  2. Beautiful! And good job at making it your own. Who cares about the given size as long as you end up with something that pleases you.

  3. Blue Green feathers for the win. Cannot wait to see the quilt evolve!

  4. The feathers came out great! I've had trouble printing patterns in the past. As long as you know, you can make up for the difference.

  5. LOVE the colors, blue and green together has always been one of my favorite combinations. Will be anxious to see things progress.
    Sandy's Space
    after thought, I wonder if the print size issue is due to margin settings?


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