
Thursday, August 29, 2024

I Like Thursday: August Accomplishments

Let's squeeze in some more likes this month to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday.

I spotted this in the way home from an evening kayak.  I'm not sure what caught my eye first, the antique truck or the mini-church.  I stopped to get a closer look.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Quilted Jacket

I'm finally posting my quilted jacket.  I finished up the stitching in May except for a set of buttons.  Turns out adding said buttons was harder than I anticipated.  Third time is a charm!  I found a set I like last weekend and wrapped it up.  Just in time, since I plan to submit it to the local fair.

Hmm... I guess I didn't post much on the process.  This was one of those sweatshirt jackets in which you pull apart a sweatshirt, quilt fabric onto it, then reassemble it.  I found a couple of tutorials, had a rough idea of of fabrics and a design and I took the plunge.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

I Like Thursday: Kayaking, My Clan and a Claw

Ooh - a mid-month I Like post!  I finally got around to hitting the highlights of my trip to Cape Cod the last week in July.

It was a great time and the weather mostly behaved.  I brought my kayak and got out a couple of mornings.  Sunday morning was so calm and still - would you believe this photo was taken out in Cape Cod Bay?  It was quiet, too:  I could hear the water lapping on the shore.  The water was clear enough, too, to see my shadow on the sand below.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Big Floppy Sun Hat

I saw a sun hat made of strips of fabric.  I loved it!  The concept seemed so simple, like a coil rope bowl.  I wish I had taken a photo of it (I may have at the time, but if I did, I accidentally deleted it).  It seemed so obvious that I thought I could find some tutorials or examples online.  Nothing.  The closest one was a tutorial that twisted fabric, but nothing that showed a flat, shiplapped design.  I did some random research, tried to remember as much as I could about the hat, and struck out on my own (no surprise to my regular readers).

Friday, August 2, 2024

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather is finished and was gifted this weekend.  I put the last stitch in on Saturday morning then I handed it my cousin and his new wife on Sunday morning.  I'm bummed I didn't get more time to admire it on my wall, but it was nice to be able to give it to them in person.

What a sprint to the finish!  I spent every free moment I had last week to complete it.  I got up early to work on the quilting before going to work and then sat right down again after dinner.  It all went smoothly until Monday night, when suddenly my bobbin nested and the top thread snapped three times after only stitching a few inches.  I panicked.  I had quilted not quite half the quilt and it had gone so well!  No skipped stitches; no broken thread.  How could this happen?  I swapped out the needle and the bobbin and cleaned all around the plate and mechanism.  Don't know what fixed it, but I was able to continue along.  Whew!