
Thursday, August 29, 2024

I Like Thursday: August Accomplishments

Let's squeeze in some more likes this month to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday.

I spotted this in the way home from an evening kayak.  I'm not sure what caught my eye first, the antique truck or the mini-church.  I stopped to get a closer look.

It was only then that I realized the mini church was a perfect match to the church it sat next to.  Neat!

This month I finished a few projects.  First was the feather quilt.  I also wrapped up a big floppy sunhat and put the finishing touches on a quilted jacket.  Go me!  Onto some scrappy work before I jump into my next big quilt.

This is the only sunflower that bloomed of the handful of seeds I planted.  But boy, is it impressive!

I've spent a lot of time in the garden this month.  I pulled various plants, split a few flowers and transplanted some others.  Marigolds are in full bloom and the zinnias are starting to rev up.  Still so much to do - it's fun to start planning with what I want to do with this garden now that I've kind of learned how it all works.

I'm amused that my best producing tomato plant is growing in compost pile, in the shade.  You can see the first ones turning orange.  There should be a bunch more turning soon!

Kayaking on Tully Lake was on my summer bucket list this year.  And I made it!  A glorious day with sun and clouds and a slight breeze.  So many little islands to explore and there's plenty of space I didn't have time to check out.  I will definitely go back there again when I have a a few hours to spend there.

September starts this weekend.  Can you believe it?


  1. The mini church is funny, and your sunflower is beautiful! I have a couple finally blooming, too. Glad you were able to get to such a scenic spot for kayaking!

  2. The truck and church are a fun sight to see. You accomplished quite a bit of fun in August. Hard to believe it is almost September. The summer really flew!

  3. You've been so busy and got so much done. So funny to see that mini-church! Our tomatoes are late getting ripe this year. I can't believe it's almost fall.

  4. I do love a great sunflower! I've a question about your zinnias. I bought a package of 6"-8" Thumbilina zinnias. Oh, my goodness! They grew to a yard tall! The same thing happened to my sister. Did yours become the size they were supposed to become?


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