
Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Quick Trip to the Fair

I entered two quilts in the Franklin County fair.  I'll be coming home with two blue ribbons.  How exciting!  I think they made notes on the back, so I'm looking forward to that.

My mother and I looked at several beautiful quilts and interesting arts and crafts.  There was a huge cathedral windows quilt (that I didn't think to photograph).  As we were admiring it, the woman who made it stopped by and asked if we had questions.  Oh, yes!  We found out it took 12 years to make.  I can believe that - there were so many little squares.  They were hand pieced, then machine sewn together.



We checked out the livestock.  I thought the sheep in the betting area were adorable.

Then we went to see the racing pigs.  They were a hoot!  The first two heats were with young pigs.  They were fast!  And they looked like they were having fun.  Their tails never stopped wagging.  The last heat we were promised the fastest racers yet - a set of pot belly pigs.  


Ha!  They sauntered out and mostly strolled around the track. 

Pretty funny!

It was a nice day to be out.  I get to pick up my quilts tomorrow. 


  1. Woot woot, way to go!! Congrats on your ribbons. Will be anxious to the quilts with notes if there are any. Are we neighbors? I live in Franklin County, Ohio?
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks! Franklin County MA. We've got a couple of states between us.

  2. That looks like a fun day at the fair, and funny seeing those racing pigs! And congratulations on your ribbons, too. The cathedral windows quilt does sound amazing!

  3. It looks as if you and your mum had a grand time at the fair, Sally. Congratulations on those blue ribbons for your pretties! The quilted jacket is amazing and love your quilt too. Ahh...cathedral window quilts.... they are a beast and not for the feint of heart.

  4. Congratulations on your blue ribbons!

  5. Hooray for blue ribbons. It is validating to know someone else sees how beautiful and well done your work is.

  6. Congratulations on the blue ribbons! The fair looks like such a fun time. I'm hoping to go to the Topsfield Fair this year.


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