
Thursday, September 12, 2024

I Like Thursday: Random Goings-on

Mostly likes to share with LeeAnna and friends at I Like Thursday.  

Quilting cleanup projects are on deck, which are my favorite sewing projects to work on.  However, I'm not getting anywhere!  Better weather has lured me to spending time in the garden.  I dislike the lack of sewing, but I'm enjoying the gardening.

A tale of two sunflowers - both of these were planted at the same time.  The one near the house took off - the head must be about a foot wide.  The one closer in the photo struggled and the seed head is maybe three inches.  It's pretty, though!

Major dislike - my phone flaked out.  I spent tons of time working on it, thought I fixed it, then three days later it randomly shut down and refused to reboot.  A week later I spent another two days setting up a brand new phone.  Lots of teeth gnashing.  Not fun.  I'm aggravated over learning a new UI and sound setup.  Ugh.

Regardless, I'm so very happy to have a working phone again.  Yay!  (Considering my old phone lasted a whole year after being dropped in salt water... I have no right to complain it died on me.)

Two blue ribbons at the fair!  I hoped there would be comments on the tags, but no luck.  The jacket's tag was blank and the other tag was missing.  They told me that lots of people loved the jacket - I can live with that. 

Sunday was a beautiful day for a hike.  A friend and I hiked up Tully Mountain.  The ledges up top had wonderful views to the south, east and north.  I enjoyed watching the clouds roll along and cast shadows over the landscape below.  

There were a pair of chairs right at the edge of the drop.  We took one look at them and said, "Nope."  I know I appreciated the view much better from where we were sitting.

I wonder how many hikers are willing to sit there?  Talk about front-row seating!


My sister and I have been going over to Mom's to sort through her collection of photos and childhood artwork.  It's been a fun trip down memory lane.  Some photos were from when she was a little kid.  

This portrait was unearth in my last visit.  Maybe 1977?  Can't be later than '78.  How young my parents were!  Dig those haircuts.   

I'm sure we'll uncover some more fun stuff as we sift through what's left.


  1. Getting a new phone is always a major learning curve! That looks like a beautiful hike - what a view! I love the picture of your family. Those are definitely some cute haircuts! Did your mom do them herself?

  2. I hate getting a new phone. It takes forever to get used to it. I wish I didn't use mine so much. The weather has been great this month. It's fun to find old pictures. I love your haircuts!!

  3. Getting used to a new phone is always a chore. Cute childhood pics, you'll have fun continuing to do that with Mom. Congrats on your ribbons. Love the blue green jacket, my favorite color combo. Enjoy the garden while you can, we soon won't want to be out much.
    Sandy's Space

  4. Congrats on the ribbons! That is exciting.

  5. So much to LIKE here. Congratulations on your fair winnings!!


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