
Saturday, December 21, 2024

Crispy Christmas (Sixteen Days Old)


The Rice Crispy Boys!  Back for one last hurrah.  They must be big boys now in their forever homes.  But look at how cute they were at sixteen days old when I took these photos last March.  

Snap takes up more room in that box than he did in the prior photo shoot

This time around the boys were more comfortable with the whole process.  That also meant they were more likely to be trouble.  Which of course makes for some fun photos.

My goodness - the looks on their faces.

What a trio of goofs.  They were adorable.

These were the outtakes - the "good" photos made it this year's holiday cards.  Maybe you were lucky enough to get one.  On the other hand, the outtakes are often more entertaining.  Enjoy!


  1. I loved the Christmas card - thank you so much! The Crispy boys are so adorable. And maybe that box has something tasty on it, too, lol!

  2. I love seeing these fun pictures! They're so cute!!

  3. Outtakes are a way of life for me - when I sort through photograph files I usually dump several hundred :) I'm amazed that you can manage to get a picture with three cavies IN it, never mind all three looking "picture perfect" as they often do!

  4. A fun post... thank you! I'm hoping that Snowflake the bun, I fostered, and all her babies are in good homes with appropriate enclosures. The worries that fosters have!

  5. Just so adorable. I've returned to look at these little guys several times and I showed them to Tony.


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