
Thursday, December 5, 2024

I Like Thursday: All Sorts of Cookies

A quick little I Like post full of cookies to share with Lee Anna's I Like Thursday.

This year Thanksgiving weekend was focused on cookies.  I made cookie dough before Thanksgiving, baked cookies the day after Thanksgiving, then attended the family cookie swap party on Sunday.

I dusted off an ancient recipe for date filled cookies to swap.  I remember the cookies were always really big, so I worked to make three smaller rolls.  I had to make extra filling to accommodate the larger surface area - but they came out quite nicely.  The other goodies will be gifts - stuffed figs, caramels, berger cookies and white chocolate dipped ginger molasses cookies.

I sent my sister a photo of the dipped figs.  She texted me back:  "I picture you on a toboggan pulled by 12 flying guinea pigs trying to reach a carrot dangled in front of them tossing out little boxes of treats to the adoring masses."  Ha!  Maybe I need to do that for next year's card.

The family cookie party is always a festive affair.  Everyone makes such delicious cookies.  And then there's the gingerbread houses (my cousin brings the pieces and we get to assemble).  So many house building styles and decorating.  I asked for leftover pieces to decorate instead of a whole house.  They were as much fun to embellish and easier to bring home than the house.

So now I have a freezer full of cookies (although me and my piggy reindeer will be dispersing a bunch of them this week). 

One last cookie thing - Cake Wrecks always posts some spectacular ginger bread houses this time of year.  Enjoy!


  1. Your sister has a good sense of humour!

  2. Your cookies always look amazing and delicious, Sally! The cookie day sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the link to the gingerbread houses, too - so fun to look at!

  3. A cookie swap is a wonderful kickstart to the holidays and your plate of cookies looks amazing! I would have a hard time making a gingerbread house because I LOVE to eat gingerbread! Lol! Have a great weekend!

  4. I love your traditions - thanks for sharing them. And I forgot about cakewrecks! But those gingerbread creations are amazing. Can't imagine eating them, though, except the fruitcake with pretty cookies lined up all around.

  5. Your cookies look great. I used to make gingerbread houses with my kids years ago. They came out okay. Kids don't always follows directions!


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