
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Slopping Soup

I found this recipe for Vegetable Thai Curry Noodle Soup on Steamy Kitchen earlier this month.  I had a number of the ingredients on hand.  It looked interesting as a dairy-free, gluten-free, vegetarian meal.  I made it over the weekend.

It was simple to make, and the flavor was good, but I think we both liked the Black Bean Chicken Soup or my Lentil Kielbasa Soup better.  The soup was missing something.  The curry gave it some zing - perhaps all it needed was some more salt.  Did you watch the Steamy Kitchen video?  Maybe if I had the same quality ingredients it would have come out better.  That coconut milk looked nothing like mine.

So this didn't make the cut for my "keeper" recipes, but I may keep it in mind when I have extra coconut milk and baby corn that need to be cooked up.

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