
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Piggy Picture Mug

One of my favorite tea mugs got a big chip on the rim.  Sadness.  I had checked out a few guinea pig mugs online to replace it, but hadn't found one I liked.  Then, a couple of weeks ago tinyprints offered a terrific deal on mugs (free small mug or $4 big one).  I decided to design my own.

It arrived late last week.  Isn't it cute?  I'm really pleased with the color and quality.  I wanted to stuff photos of all of my guinea pigs on it, but there wasn't enough room.  So I opted for the best pictures of my most recent sows.  

Ah.  Tea and pigs.  It makes me smile.  

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! Way to start off breakfast on the right foot/paw.


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