
Friday, October 10, 2014

Quietly Quilting

I've started sewing a series of quilts that have been in the planning stages for months.  I can't show much until they're finished and gifted, but I'm sharing what I can.  I am so excited to finally see them come together.

The material is three different weights and it's been a challenge sewing them.  Usually all my fabric is the same weight and weave.  These quilts have some normal quilting cotton, a very light cotton and lastly, a lightweight velvet.  The lightweight cotton doesn't keep it's shape; the velvet's nap is killing me.  It crawls all over, even when using a walking foot.  I hand basted several pieces together in an effort to have my pieces stay put.  Ack!

I considered abandoning the velvet (twice), but it looks so good in the overall design.  So I said bad words and ripped seams nearly as fast as I stitched the pieces together.  It's all together and looks wonderful.  The first two are sandwiched, the third is pieced and the last one is starting to come together.  It's like reading a good book:  I just can't get through it fast enough, there's not enough hours in the day!  I love it when I'm inspired.

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